Organization and statute

SSU Board of Management


Ing. Gabriel Dravecký, PhD.

Vicechairman for organization

doc. Ing. Juraj Grenčík, PhD.


Ing. Peter Darvaši


Ing. Katarína Grandová


Ing. Branislav Kyseľ, PhD.


Ing. Ladislav Máťaš


prof. Ing. Hana Pačaiová, PhD.

Supervisory Board of SSU


Ing. Martin Bukovinský


Ing. Branislav Kyseľ


Ing. Jan Vytŕísal, MBA




Slovenská spoločnosť údržby (Slovak Maintenance Society), abbreviation SSU (SMS).


The Seat of SSU is Bratislava, Koceľova 15, 815 94

Aims and goals

  1. The Slovak Maintenance Society (hereafter only Society) is an independent nonprofitable association of citizens established in accordance with the Law No 83/1990 on Citizens Associations.
  2. The Aims of the society are:

a) ensure the exchange of information between maintenance professionals,
b) to present a collective view on solutions to maintenance problems,
c) to initiate and promote the education of people working in maintenance, using seminars, workshops and lifelong learning courses,
d) to initiate the development of the education of professional maintenance workers at university level,
e) initiate and promote the establishment of a network of institutions dedicated to the education of adults in the maintenance profession, including the assessment of their level of knowledge,
f) to organise an annual educational conference of the Maintenance Forum with international participation as a priority for its members,
g) to publish the journal Maintenance and professional literature in the field of maintenance,
h) to establish an information network connected to the Internet,
i) to establish cooperation with other organisations active in the field of maintenance,
j) cooperate with other national maintenance societies,
k) be an active member of EFNMS - European Federation of National Maintenance Societes.

Membership of the Society

  1. SSU is an association of private and legal persons and professional unions acting in the area of maintenance or are involved in maintenance in some way.
  2. Membership of the Society commences:
    a) in the case of founding members, on the date of registration of the company,
    b) for other members, by the submission of a written application, the subsequent decision of the Board of Directors to admit the member and the payment of the membership fee.
  3. Membership in the Society terminates by:
    a) dissolution of the Society, or
    b) voluntarily expulsion, or
    c) eaving the Society.

Rights and duties of a member

  1. A member has the right
    • to participate in meetings of the General Assembly with the right to vote,
    • to be elected to the Society organs,
    • to participate in the activities of the Society
    • to submit proposals and initiatives concerning the activities of the Society,
    • to use the benefits provided by the Society to its members.
  2. A member of the Society is obliged
    • to pay membership dues,
    • to adhere to the Rules of the Society,
    • to put in practice (accept) the decisions of the Society and fulfil tasks given by the Society,
    • according to his/her own possibilities and capabilities to fulfil the aims and ideals of the Society.

Organs of the Society

  • The General Assembly
  • The BOM
  • The Supervisory Board

General Assembly

  1. The General Assembly is the supreme organ of the Society. It is authorised to:
    • change the Statutes
    • elect and recall members of the BOM
    • elect and recall members of the Supervisory Board,
    • approve or reject the budget and financial report of the Society,
    • approve or reject the plan of activities for the next period,
    • decide on the use of Society assets over the value of 3 300 Eur,
    • decision on the expulsion a member from Society,
    • decision on the termination of the Society,
    • establishes, as the only founder, business companies, and decides on their termination.
  2. The General Assembly is authorised to make resolutions if at least half of the Society members are present. General assembly makes decisions based on the majority votes of the present members. Each member has one vote. In case of changes in the Statutes or the decision on dissolve of the Society at least 2/3 majority is required.
  3. Board of Management calls the General Assembly at least once a year. Every member receives a written invitation with agenda of the meeting at least 14 days in advance. In exceptional cases a proposal to call the General Assembly can be given by the Supervisory Board of the Society.
  4. The General Assembly elects its chairperson, minute secretary and two verifiers. These officials sign the minutes of the General Assembly. Each member of the Society receives a copy of the minutes.

The Board of Management

  1. The BOM is the executive organ of the Society. Statutory representatives of the Society, that people authorised to act in the name of the Society, are the chairman and two vice-chairmen of the BOM. The BOM decides on all matters of the Society, unless according to this Statute, come under the jurisdiction of the General Assembly, namely:
    • calling the General Assembly,
    • deciding on the use of the Society assets to the values of 100 thousand SK,
    • enacting the decisions adopted by the General Assembly,
    • submitting for approval to the General Assembly the proposals for budget, economic and financial reports and proposal to dissolve the Society,
    • being responsible for the proper management of the Societyś assets
    • keeping list of members.
  2. The BOM has 7 members. Members’ tenure is 4 years and can be repeated. Tenure ends up on the day of electing new members to the BOM. Only private persons can be members of the BOM.
  3. The BOM whose number of members has not fallen bellow half may co-opt other members until the next General Assembly meeting. The next General Assembly confirms the co-opted members in their posts or elects the new ones.
  4. The Chairman and two vice-chairmen are elected and recalled by the BOM, while the candidates do not vote.
  5. The BOM is called by the chairman or by appointed members of the BOM whenever necessary: at least once every three months.
  6. Decisions of the BOM are binding when they receive more than half the votes of all members. In cases that can not be delayed the decision of the BOM can be substituted by a written declaration by all members that they agree with the proposal.
  7. The BOM in its executive capacity has the right to create individual organisational elements (secretariat, working commissions).

The Supervisory Board

  1. The Supervisory Board is the controlling organ of the Society. It supervises the activities of the BOM and the accomplishing of objectives and enactment of decisions of the Society.
  2. Members of the Supervisory Board have the right of access to all documents and records concerning the activities and economy of the Society.
  3. The Supervisory Board presents to the General Assembly:
    • Reports on the fulfilment of the tasks of the Society, on the financial report of the Society, on the work of the BOM, on the observance of the statutes of the Society and the enactment of decisions adopted by the Society,
    • report on its own supervisory activities.
  4. The Supervisory Board has 3 members. Tenure on of the Supervisory Board is four years and can be repeated. Only private persons can be members of the Supervisory Board.
  5. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board is elected and recalled by members of the Supervisory Board while the candidate does not vote.

Principles of Economy

  1. The Economy of the Society is managed in accordance with the approved budget.
  2. The Society manages movable and fixed assets, which are the property of the Society or it has established a user relationship to it.
  3. The Assets of the Society consist of:
    • membership dues,
    • donations from private and legal persons,
    • subsidies and grants.
  4. Revenues from assets and its own activities may be used only for support of the goals of the Society.

Termination of the Society

The General Assembly may decide on the termination of the Society in the form of its merging with another organisation or its voluntary dissolution. A liquidator appointed by the General Assembly, will settle all outstanding debts and liabilities, the remaining assets will be used according to the decision of the General Assembly. Within 15 days after the completion of liquidation, the liquidator will inform the Slovak Ministry of the Interior on the termination of the Society.