on international conference
organised under the auspices of Slovak Minister of Economy
Ľubomír Harach, PhD.
Dear friends and colleagues, on behalf of the Preparatory Committee and the Slovak Maintenance Society we wish to give you a brief information on the international conference National Forum on Maintenance 2002 After the successful zero and first year of the international conference National Forum on Maintenance that establised tradition of organising os specialsied conferences in the area of machinery and equipment maintenan there was the third conference, although officially the second one. Space for meetings and exchange of experience among professionals and experts in maintenance has been created during the conference programme and inofficial discussions. The first two conferences manages to create community of maintenance people around Slovakia, form many industries, services and educational organisations. Slovak Maintenance Society was founded and it has also established international contacts and became an abserver member in EFNMS. Enter into EFNMS was emphasised also by presence of EFNMS chairman, Mr. Arjo Klijn at this year conference, which can be considered for international recongintion of SSU as the representative of maintenance in Slovakia. Already the zero year conference, lasting only one day, was attended by over 100 participants.The first year was attended by 120 participants and this year there was again increase in number - 135, including exhibitors.. Basic statisitcs on the conference: 135 aprticipants, 30 of them foreigners (22 Czech republic,, 2 Croatia, 2 Hungary, 1 Austria, Germany, Netherlands and Slovenia). |
Photos from the conference |
Conference opening, conference chair. From the left: prof.Zvolenský, dean SjF ŽU Žilina, prof.Sinay, rector TU Košice, Adolf Murín, SSU chairman, .Arjo Klijn, EFNMS chairman, doc.Grenčík, KOSZ ŽU Žilina
Arjo Klijn, EFNMS chairman, opening address.
Conference hall - participants Conference dinner - Ivan Ivancic, HDO president, and Adolf Murín, SSU chairman
Beautiful nature of the High Tatras, view from the hotel |
Other photos :
Conference Programme Monday 20 May 2002 Plenary session Príhovory odborných garantov - prof. Juraj Sinay, prof. Peter Zvolenský Session I A Maintenance Mangement Václav Legát, ČZU Praha, ČR, Preventivní údržba zvyšuje provozní spolehlivost strojního prvku Session II D Special Topics Juraj Grenčík, KOSZ, ŽU, Benchmarking údržby podľa EFNMS Tuesday 21 May 2002 Session I C Information Technologies Miroslav Mach, YMS, a.s. , Počítačom riadený systém údržby - integrovane softwarové riešenie spoločnosti MRO-software. Session II B maintenance Technologies Peter Gazsi, U.S.Steel Košice , Praktické skúsenosti s otryskávaním suchým ľadom v podmienkach údržby elektrických strojov |
Conference venue: Vysoké Tatry, Tatranské Matliare, Hotel Sorea Hutník Hotel Sorea Hutník |
We look forward to meeting you at the National Forum on Maintenance 2003! |