International conferenceheld under the patronage of the Slovak Ministry of Economy PHOTODOCUMENTATION |
General partner: |
Main partners: |
Another successful National Forum on Maintenance -7th year of the international conference, took place. We dare to say that the conference has already firmly established itself among the events of its kind. The following facts prove this statement.
The dates (this year in the last week of the month – 29 – 30 May, 2007) and place (hotel Patria in the High Tatras at Štrbské Pleso) are being automatically associated with the National Forum on Maintenance conference. The conference was attended by 191 participants, of which 36 from foreign countries, which is a new record that overcame up till now the most successful regional conference Central European Forum on Maintenance held in 2005. This year there was absolutely highest number of participants from Slovakia yet there were a good number of visitors from abroad, especially from the Czech Republic. We missed representatives of EFNMS, but we had one special guest from the South America, Mr. Athayde Ribeiro, executive director of Brazilian Maintenance Society ABRAMAN.
The conference programme was composed of presentations starting with general and main conference partners, followed by professional lectures and partners’ presentations in accordance with the topic areas. Conference topics followed a traditional scheme – the first day maintenance management and best practices, followed by maintenance information systems. The second day there were maintenance technologies and diagnostics methods, in the final special topics (safety, education, etc.).
For the third time on the third day of the conference, accompanying conference events were held - seminar “Internal maintenance audit” led by prof. Václav Legát and ing. Zdeněk Votava from the Czech Maintenance Society and workshop „Maintenance Benchmarking – EN and world trends “, led by Ing. Vendelín Íro and Doc. Juraj Grenčík.
Totally the conference was attended by 191 participants,of which 36 foreigners – 23 from the Czech republic, 4 from Poland, 3 from Austria and Germany, 1 from Brazil, France and Hungary .
Professional Guarantors: |
Conference Preparatory Committee: |
- Václav Legát
- Juraj Sinay
- Peter Zvolenský
- Dušan Belko
- József Csiba
- Gabriel Dravecký
- Peter Gazsi
- Juraj Grenčík
- Jozef Hrubec
- Vendelín Íro
- Vladimír Mataj
- Jaroslav Miklánek
- Krzysztof Olejnik
- Hana Pačaiová
- Vladimír Stuchlý
- Ivan Ševčík
- Michal Žilka
During the conference for the fourth time SSU award “Maintenainer of the Year “, was awarded - this year the managing director of equipment maintenance in the Slovenské elektrárne, a.s., Ing. Peter Andraško For the third time SSU ward for diploma work was awarded, this year the award was divided to two persons - Ing. Lenka Mizeráková,graduate from tha Mechanical Engineering Faculty of TU Košice, for the diploma work solving problems of maintenance audit, and Ing. Anna Fiľková, graduate from Civil Engineering Faculty of TU Košice for diploma work entitled “Operation and maintenance of water supply with respect to the EU legislation“. In spite of some problems we can gladly conclude that the conference again overcame the record in the number of participants what proves the growing interest in the conference. From the overall evaluation of the conference (participants’ enquiry) it was so far the best although in some particular points it was worse than before. The problem was a “dense” programme not allowing space for discussion and conference topics as well. The main interest was in practical applications and solutions both in management and technology of maintenance.
Tuesday, 29 May, 2007

Conference venue - hotel PATRIA - May 2007

Conference opnening - board, form the left Krzysztof Olejnik - PNTT Poland, Válav Legát - ČSPÚ chairman, Czech Republic, Vendelín Íro - SSU vice chairman, Juraj Grenčík - SSU chairman, Pavol Molnár, ZSVTS chairman, Ján Vranec - U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o., Athayde Araújo Ribeiro - ABRAMAN - Brazilian Maintenance Society

Conference opening

Conference opening - view over conference hall

Conference opening - Pavol Molnár - speach of the ZSVTS (Slovak science-technology union) chairman

Conference opening - Václav Legát - ČSPÚ chairman

Conference opening - Athayde Araújo Ribeiro - managingndirector of ABRAMAN

Conference opening - Juraj Grenčík - Trends in maintenance and SSU
Maintenance best practices and management

Juraj Augustín, U.S. Steel Košice, SK, U.S.Steel Košice priorities and regional development

Ján Vranec, U.S. Steel Košice, SK, Centralisation of production support and maintenance management system in U.S.Steel Košice

Marko Rentka, U.S. Steel Košice, SK, Maintenance system supported by ISRU in U.S. Steel Košice

Vladislav Chvalina, KLEENTEK, spol. s r.o., Praha, CZ, Proactive maintenance of industrial oils

Michal Abrahámfy, SLOVCEM, a.s.Malacky, SK, Belzona - solution for repair and maintenance problems

Roman Mandelík, MRO Software, An IBM Company, SK, Asset and Service Management

Jean-Pierre Tawil, Infor, FR, Computer maintenance information systems

p align="center">Athayde Araújo Ribeiro, Brazilian Maintenance Society, BR, Certification of Maintenance Personnel – Brazilian Official Program

Vít Havlů, KAUČUK, a.s., Kralupy n V., CZ, Root cause analysis of disastrous failures - tool for improvement preventive maintenance

Michael Müller, Bilfinger Berger Industrial Services AG, AUT, Experience with maintenance KPIs

Gabriel Dravecký, Pivovary Topvar, a.s. Topoľčany, SK, From corrective maintenance to TPM implementation, as a part of industrial engineering

Miloš Čerťaský, SLOVALCO, a.s. Žiar nad Hronom, SK, Total productive management – programme for achieving "3 zeros"

Marián Hrica, Siemens, s.r.o., Automation & Drives, SK, New trends in automation in Siemens

Vladimír Ščípa, Sféra, a.s., Bratislava, SK, Implementation of European methodology CIGRE for evaluation of equipment failures in SEPS, a.s.

Ondrej Valent, CMMS, s.r.o., CZ, How much will be profit? Analysis of costs and profits from implementation of proactive maintenance methods

Rudolf Wagner, MCE Industrietechnik Slovensko, SK, Aktivity firmy v oblasti údržby

Norbert Spoerk, MCE Industrietechnik, AUT, Auditing Maintenance

József Csiba, MÁV, HU, Reliability Analisys of Railway Carriages as Complex Systems by Help of Markov-Chains
Computer Support for Maintenance Management

Miroslav Lazar, INSEKO, a.s., Žilina, SK, Integration of maintenance information system with neighourhood - benefits for maintainer

Oskár Bomba, SOVA Bratislava, a.s., SK, SOVA as a guarantor of effective maintenance management

Radoslav Zelizňák, GEFOS SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. Bratislava, SK, Laser scanning and 3D modelling

Miroslav Šandor, INSEKO, a.s., Žilina, SK, Use of Maintenance IS/Datastream 7i functionality for simplification of work on all levels

Ivan Labanc, RASAX alfa, spol. s r.o., Košice, SK, MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT - Slovak WEB solution by RASAX Košice

Martin Holiš, Sféra, a.s., Bratislava, SK, Application of IS for recording and maintenance of high voltage lines failures

Pavol Šulič, IFS Slovakia, spol. s r.o., Bratislava, SK, Integrated information system and complex ALM
Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner
Wednesday, 30 May, 2007
Maintenance Technologies and Diagnostics

František Pandula, Delta Consulting s.r.o.PRAHA, CZ, Method 5S - way to cleaner and safer enterprise, realisation process and practical examples of implementation in the area of manufacture and maintenance of machines

Marek Slováček, Ústav aplikované mechaniky Brno, CZ, Measurement, maintenance, repair and durability prediction of welded joints

Adam Bojko, ADASH, CZ, Presentation of products of the conference partner

Viliam Hager, SPIRAX SARCO, spol.s r.o., Senica, SK, Presentation of products of the conference partner

Jiří Jetenský, ASMA Polyurethane Kunststoff KG, AUT, Presentation of products of the conference partner

Alois Valík, AJV-ENERGO, a.s., Praha, CZ, Repairs of steam turbines output of 50 MW, renovation and manufacture of spare parts for energy equipment

Martin Březina, VÚJE, a.s., Trnava, SK, Possibilities of using small samples taking from equipment under operation

Dušan Kravec, Peter Pilát, VÚJE, a.s., Trnava, SK, Remote controlled manipulator for blinding of leaking heat exchanging pipes of steam generators in nuclear power stations type VVER-440 by method of weld blind ( ZOK -OPZ EBO)

SSU award "Maintainer of the year 2006" - Peter Andraško, managingn directod of euquipment maintenance, Slovenské elektrárne. a.s.

Maintainer of the year 2006" - Peter Andraško, managingn directod of euquipment maintenance, Slovenské elektrárne. a.s.

Petr Běťák, EagleBurgmann, SK, Requiremants on sealing of chemical equipment after 31 October, 2007, withregards to IPPC

Jozef Tóth, GE Energy, Opimization and Control, Bratislava, SK, BEST PRACTICE of machine control

Dušan Belko, Slovenské elektrárne, SK, Repair of turbogenerator 250 MW

Jozef Harajčík, H&H UNIKOV s.r.o., Trnava, SK, Rationalisation of corrosion and chemical protection of steel and concrete structures laid underground and above ground by THORTEX and COPON systems

Petr Uřídil, SPM Instrument s.r.o., Brno, CZ, Diagnostics of roller bearings at low speed applications

Ján Fekiač, SPIRAX SARCO, spol.s r.o., Senica, SK, Experience with diagnostics of stem condensate systems and block unit delivery
Special Topics

Krzysztof Olejnik, Polish Maintenance Society, PL, Improvement of the safety system by the increase of indirect visibility in the trucks used in Poland

Gabriel Nowacki, Motor Transport Institute, PL, Digital Tachograph Data Management

Tomasz Kamiński, Motor Transport Institute, PL, Digital Tachograph Data Management

Zdeněk Aleš, KJSS, TF ČZU Praha, CZ, Project Euromaint – unification of requirements on education of maintenance staff within EU

Bohuslav Brožk, ISPM Consult, Brno, CZ, Implementation of maintenance system in a heating plant

Vladimír Stuchlý, KDMT, SjF, ŽU Žilina, SK, Utilisation of mathematic models for creation of maintenance systems based on reliability

Miroslav Rakyta, KPI, SjF, ŽU Žilina, SK, Configuration Management of Maintenance

Peter Tirinda, B & K s.r.o, SK, Chosen examples of detected condition based maintenance by methods of vibration diagnostics

Conference perticipants

Conference perticipants

Conference perticipants

Conference perticipants

Conference perticipants

Conference perticipants

Conference perticipants

Conference perticipants

Conference perticipants

Conference perticipants

Juraj Grenčík, SSU chairman - conference closing
Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions
Accompanying events

Workshop - Maintenance údžby – EN and world trends

Workshop - Maintenance údžby – EN and world trends

Workshop - Maintenance údžby – EN and world trends
The High Tatras - May 2007

Hotel Patria under reconstruction

Štrbské pleso

By Štrbské pleso

By Štrbské pleso - hotel Patria
Conference Programme
- Maintenance best practices and management
- Computer Support for Maintenance Management
- Maintenance Technologies and Diagnostics
- Special topics
Tuesday, 29 May, 2007
7.45 - 8.45 |
Registration |
9.00 - 9.30 |
Opening addresses |
Juraj Grenčík, SSU & KDMT, SjF, ŽU Žilina, SK, Trends in maintenance and SSU |
SSU award "Maintainer of the year" |
SSU award for "Master thesis" |
9.30 - 12.45 |
Maintenance best practices and management |
9.30 - 9.40 |
Juraj Augustín, U.S. Steel Košice, SK, U.S.Steel Košice priorities and regional development |
9.40 - 9.55 |
Ján Vranec, U.S. Steel Košice, SK, Centralisation of production support and maintenance management system in U.S.Steel Košice |
9.55 - 10.10 |
Ladislav Hanuščalka, U.S. Steel Košice, SK, Maintenance system supported by ISRU in U.S. Steel Košice |
10.10 - 10.25 |
Vladislav Chvalina, KLEENTEK, spol. s r.o., Praha, CZ, Proactive maintenance of industrial oils |
10.25 - 10.40 |
Michal Abrahámfy, SLOVCEM, a.s.Malacky, SK, Belzona - solution for repair and maintenance problems |
10.40 - 11.00 |
Coffee Break |
11.00 - 11.15 |
Roman Mandelík, MRO Software, An IBM Company, SK, Asset and Service Management |
11.15 - 11.30 |
Claude Henri Weiller, Infor, FR, Computer maintenance information systems |
11.30 - 11.50 |
Athayde Araújo Ribeiro, Brazilian Maintenance Society, BR, Certification of Maintenance Personnel – Brazilian Official Program |
11.50 - 12.10 |
Vít Havlů, Václav Legát, KAUČUK, a.s., Kralupy n V.; ČZU TF Praha, CZ, Root cause analysis of disastrous failures - tool for improvement preventive maintenance |
12.10 - 12.25 |
Michael Müller, Bilfinger Berger Industrial Services AG, AUT, Activities in mantenance services |
12.25 - 12.45 |
Gabriel Dravecký, Pivovary Topvar, a.s. Topoľčany, SK, From corrective maintenance to TPM implementation, as a part of industrial engineering |
13.50 -16.00 |
Maintenance best practices and management |
13.50 - 14.10 |
Igor Krátky, Miloš Čerťaský, SLOVALCO, a.s. Žiar nad Hronom, SK, Total productive management – programme for achieving "3 zeros" |
14.10 - 14.20 |
Marián Hrica, Siemens, s.r.o., Automation & Drives, SK, New trends in automation in Siemens |
14.20 - 14.40 |
Michael Müller, Bilfinger Berger Industrial Services AG, AUT, Experience with maintenance KPIs |
14.40 - 15.00 |
Vladimír Ščípa, Sféra, a.s., Bratislava, SK, Implementation of European methodology CIGRE for evaluation of equipment failures in SEPS, a.s. |
15.00 - 15.10 |
Ondrej Valent, CMMS, s.r.o., CZ, How much will be profit? Analysis of costs and profits from implementation of proactive maintenance methods |
15.10 - 15.20 |
Štefan Tamás, MCE Industrietechnik Slovensko, SK, Activities of the comapny in maintenance |
15.20 - 15.40 |
Norbert Spoerk, MCE Industrietechnik, AUT, Auditing Maintenance |
15.40 - 16.00 |
József Csiba, MÁV, HU, Reliability Analisys of Railway Carriages as Complex Systems by Help of Markov-Chains |
16.00 - 16.20 |
Coffee Break |
16.20 - 18.10 |
Computer Support for Maintenance Management |
16.20 - 16.40 |
Miroslav Lazar, INSEKO, a.s., Žilina, SK, Integration of maintenance information system with neighourhood - benefits for maintainer |
16.40 - 16.50 |
Oskár Bomba, SOVA Bratislava, a.s., SK, SOVA as a guarantor of effective maintenance management |
16.50 - 17.00 |
Kateřina Nakládalová, GEFOS SLOVAKIA, s.r.o. Bratislava, SK, Laser scanning and 3D modelling |
17.00 - 17.20 |
Miroslav Šandor, INSEKO, a.s., Žilina, SK, Use of Maintenance IS/Datastream 7i functionality for simplification of work on all levels |
17.20 - 17.30 |
Ivan Labanc, RASAX alfa, spol. s r.o., Košice, SK, MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT - Slovak WEB solution by RASAX Košice |
17.30 - 17.50 |
Martin Holiš, Sféra, a.s., Bratislava, SK, Application of IS for recording and maintenance of high voltage lines failures |
17.50 - 18.10 |
Pavol Šulič, IFS Slovakia, spol. s r.o., Bratislava, SK, Integrated information system and complex ALM |
18.10 - 19.30 |
Internal programme SSU |
19.30 – 24.00 |
Conference dinner |
Wednesday, 30 May, 2007
8.00 – 12.40 |
Maintenance Technologies and Diagnostics |
8.00 - 8.20 |
Róbert Olšiak, KHS, SjF STU Bratislava, SK, Identification of hydraulic cylinder state with support of artificial intelligence |
8.20 - 8.40 |
Marek Slováček, Ústav aplikované mechaniky Brno, CZ, Measurement, maintenance, repair and durability prediction of welded joints |
8.40 - 8.50 |
Adam Bojko, ADASH, CZ, Presentation of products of the conference partner |
8.50 - 9.00 |
Viliam Hager, SPIRAX SARCO, spol.s r.o., Senica, SK, Presentation of products of the conference partner |
9.00 - 9.20 |
František Helebrant, Ladislav Hrabec, Petr Klouda, VŠB – TU Ostrava; VÚHU Most, CZ, Measurement and analysis of results at digging wheel excavator K 2000 |
9.20 - 9.30 |
Jiří Jetenský, ASMA Polyurethane Kunststoff KG, AUT, Presentation of products of the conference partner |
9.30 - 9.40 |
Alois Valík, AJV-ENERGO, a.s., Praha, CZ, Repairs of steam turbines output of 50 MW, renovation and manufacture of spare parts for energy equipment |
9.40 - 9.50 |
Martin Březina, VÚJE, a.s., Trnava, SK, Possibilities of using small samples taking from equipment under operation |
9.50 - 10.00 |
Dušan Kravec, Peter Pilát, VÚJE, a.s., Trnava, SK, Remote controlled manipulator for blinding of leaking heat exchanging pipes of steam generators in nuclear power stations type VVER-440 by method of weld blind ( ZOK -OPZ EBO) - film |
10.00 - 10.20 |
Coffe Break |
10.20 - 10.40 |
František Pandula, Delta Consulting s.r.o.PRAHA, CZ, Method 5S - way to cleaner and safer enterprise, realisation process and practical examples of implementation in the area of manufacture and maintenance of machines |
10.40 - 10.50 |
Dušan Prieložný, GLYNWED, SK, Presentation of products of the conference partner |
10.50 - 11.00 |
Petr Karásek, EagleBurgmann, SK, Requiremants on sealing of chemical equipment after 31 October, 2007, with regards to IPPC |
11.00 - 11.10 |
Jozef Tóth, GE Energy, Opimization and Control, Bratislava, SK, BEST PRACTICE of machine control |
11.10 - 11.20 |
Dušan Belko, Slovenské elektrárne, SK, Repair of turbogenerator 250 MW |
11.20 - 11.40 |
Jozef Harajčík, H&H UNIKOV s.r.o., Trnava, SK, Rationalisation of corrosion and chemical protection of steel and concrete structures laid underground and above ground by THORTEX and COPON systems |
11.40 - 12.00 |
Petr Uřídil, SPM Instrument s.r.o., Brno, CZ, Diagnostics of roller bearings at low speed applications |
12.00 - 12.20 |
Viliam Hager, SPIRAX SARCO, spol.s r.o., Senica, SK, Experience with diagnostics of stem condensate systems and block unit delivery |
12.20 - 12.40 |
Jozef Tóth, GE Energy, Opimization and Control, Bratislava, SK, Machine control system BEST PRACTICE by example of critical machine in a plant |
14.00 - 16.00 |
Special topics |
14.00 - 14.15 |
Krzysztof Olejnik, Polish Maintenance Society, PL, Improvement of the safety system by the increase of indirect visibility in the trucks used in Poland |
14.15 - 14.30 |
Gabriel Nowacki, Izabella Mitraszewska, Tomasz Kamiński, Motor Transport Institute, PL, Digital Tachograph Data Management |
14.30 - 14.45 |
Vladimír Jurča, Zdeněk Aleš, Tomáš Hladík, KJSS, TF ČZU Praha, CZ, Project Euromaint – unification of requirements on education of maintenance staff within EU |
14.45 - 15.00 |
Bohuslav Brožk, ISPM Consult, Brno, CZ, Implementation of maintenance system in a heating plant |
15.00 - 15.15 |
Hana Pačaiová, TU Košice, SK, Process of maitnenacne audit management |
15.15 - 15.30 |
Vladimír Stuchlý, Roman Poprocký:, KDMT, SjF, ŽU Žilina, SK, Utilisation of mathematic models for creation of maintenance systems based on reliability |
15.30 - 15.45 |
Miroslav Rakyta, KPI, SjF, ŽU Žilina, SK, Configuration Management of Maintenance |
15.45 - 16.00 |
Peter Tirinda, B & K s.r.o, SK, Chosen examples of detected condition based maintenance by methods of vibration diagnostics |
Thursday, 31 May, 2007
Accompanying programme:
Seminar: Internal maintenance audit - Václav Legát, Zdeněk Votava
Workshop: Maintenance benchmarking – EN and world trends - Juraj Grenčík, Vendelín Íro
We look forward to meeting you at the National Forum on Maitenance 2008 conference! Štrbské Pleso, hotel Patria, 27 - 28 May, 2008