Photos from the conference
Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Conference venue - hotel PATRIA - May 2008


Conference opening - conference chairfrom the left: Václav Legát - ČSPÚ president ČR, Ján Lešinský - ZSVTS chairman, Vendelín Íro - SSU vice-chairman, Juraj Grenčík - SSU chairman, Wout Theuws - BEMAS & EFNMS representative, Peter Zvolenský - University of Žilina

Conference opening - Ján Lešisnký - ZSVTS chairman

Conference opening - Václav Legát - Czech Maintenance Society president

Conference opening - Peter Zvolenský - University of Žilina, professional guarantor

Conference opening - Juraj Grenčík - What is important for maitnenance

SSU award "Maintainer of the year 2007" - Ing. Peter Petráš

SSU award for the diploma work - Ing. Jana Lorincová, University of Žilina; topic of the work: Information system and effective maintenance

Conference auditorium

Conference auditorium

Conference auditorium

Conference auditorium

Wout Theuws - BEMAS: "Asset and maintenance proces in Bosal"

Wout Theuws - BEMAS: "Asset and maintenance proces in Bosal"

Vojtech Dohányos, IDS Scheer ČR, s.r.o., CZ: IDS Scheer: IDS Scheer: Maximo, Tool for administration and maintenance of enterpise assets. Practical experience with implementation and integration

Petr Přikryl, IDS Scheer ČR, s.r.o., CZ: Actual trends of information support for technical assets management and maitnenance

Mariusz Sziwek - Infor EU, PL: INFOR EAM - maintenance and performance management

Miroslav Šándor, INSEKO, a.s. Žilina: Maintenance and performance management

Jozef Lacko, INSEKO,a.s. Žilina: Eurocurrency in maintenance management systems

Michael Müller, Bilfinger Berger Industrial Services AG: Tools and methods of maintenance controlling – Balanced Score Card in practical use

Harald Stohr, Bilfinger Berger Industrial Services AG: BIS – Solutions for Industrial Services

Davor Kristovic, GEOGRAT Informationssysteme, Germany

Jürgen Herbst, GEOGRAT Informationssysteme, D: Changing Life with Intelligent Information

Zdeněk Aleš, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, CZ: Training and certification of maintenance manager

Zdeněk Aleš, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, CZ:Interrim results of Euromaint project

Václav Legát, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, CZ: Training and certification of maintenance manager

Vladimír Stuchlý, Žilinská univerzita, SjF, KDMT, Žilina: Evalutation of maintenance and education course of maintenance manager

Vlastimil Mäčko, ARI-Armaturen Albert Richter GmbH & Co. KG": ARI-Armaturen: Production programme

Richard Tomik BRADY, s.r.o.: Complex solutions for identification and safety of production plants

Vladislav Chvalina, KLEENTEK , spol. s.r.o., CZ: Care for oils - source of profit

Jan Vytřísal, SEPS spol. s r.o., Bratislava: Replacements of failed closures and repairs on pipelines during full operation

Jozef Tóth, Bently Nevada Slovakia s.r.o., member of GE: Methodology of predicitve diagnostics and maitnenance, case studies from practice

Adam Bojko, Adash CZ: Predictive maintenance management and condition monitoring of machines

Peter Tirinda, Bruel&Kjaer: Condition monitoring and vibrodiagnostics of machines as advanced support of production and maintenance

Marek Ledabyl, SPIRAX SARCO, s.r.o, Senica: On question steam and condensate??? the answer is SPIRAX SARCO

Dušan Bobek, Chesterton Slovakia s.r.o.: Chesterton – Global solutions – local services

Ondrej Valent, CMMS, s.r.o., CZ: Implementation of proactive maintenance - examples from copanies

Petr Uřídil, SPM Instrument, s.r.o, CZ: Selection of proper strategy for monitoring of rotation machines, comparison of manual data acquisition with on-line systems

Jozef Tomeček, E.T.K.M. spol. s.r.o.: Air conditioning in difficult operation condtions, technology for REACH iplementation

Alojs Valík, AJV ENERGO, CZ: Overhaules of steam turbines, manufacture of spare partsfor energy machines
Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner
Wednesday, 28 May, 2008

Miroslav Kováčik, Sféra, a.s., Bratislava: Improvement of maintenance processes by XMatik®.NET and SAP/R3 in Slovnaft Petrochemicals, s.r.o.

Jaroslav Borovský, RASAX Alfa, Košice: Managers Cube in Maintenance Management System

Oldrich Kuboň, SYSTÉMY – Ratech, s.r.o.: IS databank of controlled ageing

Ladislav Vaľko, Siemens, s.r.o.: New trends in automation

Oskár Bomba, SOVA Digital a.s Bratislava: SOVA controls maintenance by proper data

Vladimír Oravec, CORINEX GROUP, a.s., Bratislava: Integration of GIS D and SAP PM in conditions of SPP – distribúcia, a.s.

Andreas Weber, MCE Industrietechnik Slovensko, D: Condition Monitoring Based Maintenance Strategy

Juraj Valent, US Steel Košice s.r.o.: Investigati of undesirable events in USSKE and on the division of production support

Jaroslav Zajíček, Technická Univerzita v Liberci, CZ: Aleternative method for calculation of risk number in FMECA analyses

Roman Richter, SLOVALCO, a.s., Žiar nad Hronom: Safety is first

Hana Pačaiová, TU Košice: Processes of risk management in maintenance

József Csiba, Hungarian State Railway, HU: The sensitivity analysis of reliability of technical systems (Necessity and Methods Applied)

Krzysztof Olejnik, Motorisation Commision of the PNTTK, PL: Chosen problems of vehicles management in the road transport in the aspect of changing technical conditions

Gabriel Nowacki, Motor Transport Institute, PL: Electronic Toll Collection System Proposition for Poland

Tomasz Kamiński, Motor Transport Institute, PL: Electronic Toll Collection System Proposition for Poland

Branislav Kyseľ, U.S. Steel Košice s.r.o., DZ Opravy: Adjustment of system of technical diagnostics in U.S.Steel Košice

Miroslav Perončík, Transmisie Engineering, a.s., Martin: Replacements of aged and outdated drives and gearboxes

Vladimír Magula, IBOK, s.r.o.: Requalification of steel structures after exhausting technical life

Juraj Grenčík - conference closing

Conference participants

Conference participants

Conference participants

Conference participants

Conference participants
Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions
Thursday, 29 May, 2008
Seminar "Maintenance Future"

Ján Vranec - U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o.
Seminar "Maintenance and Safety"

Hana Pačaiová, Ivan Majer - TU Košice
Workshop Benchmarking údržby – reliabilty evaluation

Jozef Toth, GE Energy - Bently Nevada Slovakia

Ion Antonescu, GE Energy Romania

Workshop participants
Snapshots from the conference

Pictures for the High Tatras

Hotel Patria by Štrbské pleso

Štrbské pleso - reflection

Mlynická valley

Waterfall Skok in Mlynická valley

Waterfall Skok in Mlynická valley

Trip to waterfall Skok

Kriváň - view from Pribylina
Conference Programme:
Tuesday - 27 May, 2008
7.00 - 8.30 |
Registration |
8.30 - 9.00 |
Conference Opening |
Opening addresses |
Juraj Grenčík, SSU & KDMT, SjF, ŽU Žilina, SK, What is iportant for maitnence? |
SSU award "Maintainer of the year" |
SSU award for "Master thesis" |
9:00 - 12:15 |
Best Practices in Maintenance Management |
9:00 - 9:20 |
Wout Theuws, BEMAS, B: Asset management in Bosal |
9:20 - 9:40 |
Vojtech Dohányos, IDS Scheer ČR, s.r.o., CZ: IDS Scheer: Maximo, Tool for administration and maintenance of enterpise assets. Practical experience with implementation and integration |
9:40 - 9:55 |
Petr Přikryl, IDS Scheer ČR, s.r.o., CZ: Actual trends ininforamtion support of management and maitnenance of technical assets |
9:55 - 10:15 |
Mariusz Siwek, Miroslav Šándor, Infor EU, Inseko, a.s., PL, SR: INFOR EAM - maintenance and performance management |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Jozef Lacko, Inseko, a.s., Žilina, SR: Eurocurrency in maintenance management systems |
10:30 – 11:00 |
Discussion, Coffee Break |
11:00 - 11:15 |
Michael Mueller, Bilfinger Berger Industrial Services AG, Munich, D: Tools and methods of maintenance controlling – Balanced Score Card in practical use |
11:15 - 11:30 |
Michael Müller, Bilfinger Berger Industrial Services AG, Munich, D: BIS – Solutions for Industrial Services |
11:30 - 11:45 |
Jürgen Herbst, GEOGRAT Informationssysteme, D: Changing Life with Intelligent Information |
11:45 - 12:00 |
Pavel Fuchs, Technická univerzita v Liberci, CZ: Some experience and RCM procedures in real conditions |
12:00 - 12:15 |
Discussion |
12:15 – 13:30 |
Lunch |
13:30 – 15:40 |
Best Practices in Maintenance Management |
13:30 - 13:45 |
Václav Legát, Zdeněk Aleš, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, CZ: Training and certification of maintenance manager |
13:45 - 14:00 |
Vladimír Stuchlý, Žilinská univerzita, SjF, KDMT, SR: Evaluation of the level of “Maintenance Manager“ education |
14:00 - 14:15 |
Vlastimil Mäčko, ARI-Armaturen Albert Richter GmbH & Co. KG, D: ARI-Armaturen: Production programme |
14:15 - 14:30 |
Richard Tomik, BRADY, s.r.o.,SR: Complex solutions for identification and safety of production plants |
14:30 - 14:45 |
Vladislav Chvalina, KLEENTEK , spol. s.r.o., CZ: Care for oils - source of profit |
14:45 - 15:00 |
Jan Vytřísal, SEPS spol. s r.o., Bratislava, SR: Replacements of failed closures and repairs on pipelines during full operation |
15:00 - 15:15 |
Jozef Tóth, Bently Nevada Slovakia s.r.o., member of GE Energy, SR: Methodology of predicitve diagnostics and maitnenance, case studies from practice |
15:15 - 15:30 |
Jozef Tóth, Bently Nevada Slovakia s.r.o, SR: GE - solutions for maitnenance |
15:30 - 15:40 |
Discussion |
15:40 - 16:00 |
Coffee Break |
16:00 - 18:00 |
Predictive Maintenance and Advanced Technologies
16:00 - 16:15 |
Adam Bojko, ADASCH, CZ: Predicitve maintenance management and machines condition monitoring |
16:15 - 16:30 |
Peter Tirinda, Bruel&Kjaer, SR: Condition monitoring and vibrodiagnostics of machines as advanced support of production and maintenance |
16:30 - 16:45 |
Marek Ledabyl, SPIRAX SARCO, s.r.o, Senica, SR: A question - steam and condensate??? The answer is SPIRAX SARCO |
16:45 - 17:00 |
Dušan Bobek, Chesterton Slovakia s.r.o., SR: Chesterton – Global solutions – local services |
17:00 - 17:15 |
Ondrej Valent, CMMS, s.r.o., CZ: Implementation of proactive maintenance - examples from companies |
17:15 - 17:30 |
Petr Uřídil, SPM Instrument, s.r.o , CZ: Selection of proper strategy for monitoring of rotation machines, comparison of manual data acquisition with on-line systems |
17:30 - 17:45 |
Jozef Tomeček, E.T.K.M. spol. s.r.o., SR: Air conditioning in difficult operation condtions, technology for REACH iplementation |
17:45 - 18:00 |
Alojs Valík, AJV ENERGO,CZ: Overhaules of steam turbines, manufacture of spare partsfor energy machines |
18:00 - 18:15 |
Discussion |
18:15 - 19:15 |
Internal programme SSU |
19:30 - 24:00 |
Conference Dinner |
8:00 - 10:45 |
Information Systems and Maintenance Support |
8:00 - 8:15 |
Miroslav Kováčik, Rastislav Krbaťa, Sféra, a.s., Bratislava, SR: Improvement of maintenance processes by XMatik®.NET and SAP/R3 in Slovnaft Petrochemicals, s.r.o. |
8:15 - 8:30 |
Jaroslav Borovský, RASAX Alfa, Košice, SR: Managers Cube in Maintenance Management System |
8:30 - 8:45 |
Oldrich Kuboň, SYSTÉMY – Ratech, s.r.o., SR: IS databank of controlled ageing |
8:45 - 9:00 |
Ladislav Vaľko, Siemens, s.r.o., SR: New trends in automation |
9:00 - 9:15 |
Oskár Bomba, SOVA Digital a.s Bratislava, SR: SOVA controls maintenance by proper data |
9:15 - 9:30 |
Vladimír Oravec, CORINEX GROUP, a.s., Bratislava, SR: Integration GIS D and SAP PM in SPP – distribúcia, a.s. conditions |
9:30 - 9:45 |
Andreas Weber, MCE Industrietechnik Slovensko, D: Condition Monitoring Based Maintenance Strategy |
9:45 - 10:00 |
František Helebrant, VŠB – TU Ostrava, CZ: Maintenance management and production company management |
10:00 - 10:15 |
Juraj Valent, US Steel Košice s.r.o., SR: Investigation of undesirable events in USSKE and on the division of production support |
10:15 - 10:30 |
Jaroslav Zajíček, Technická Univerzita v Liberci, CZ: Alternative method for calculation of risk number in FMECA analyses |
10:30 - 10:45 |
Discussion |
10:45 - 11:15 |
Coffee Break |
11.15 – 13.15 |
Safety and Special Topics |
11:15 - 11:30 |
Hana Pačaiová, TU Košice, SR: Processes of risk management in maintenance |
11:30 - 11:45 |
Jozsef Csiba, Hungarian State Railway, HU: The sensitivity analysis of reliability of technical systems (Necessity and Methods Applied) |
11:45 - 12:00 |
Krzysztof Olejnik, Motorisation Commision of the PNTTK, PL: Chosen problems of vehicles management in the road transport in the aspect of changing technical conditions |
12:00 - 12:15 |
Paweł Droździel, Leszek Krzywonos, Piotr Pieczywek, Lublin University of Technology, PL: The estimation of the technical state of the diesel engine using analysis of the start-up process |
12:15 - 12:30 |
Branislav Kyseľ, U.S. Steel Košice s.r.o., DZ Opravy, SR: Adjustment of system of technical diagnostics in U.S.Steel Košice |
12:30 - 12:45 |
Miroslav Perončík, Transmisie Engineering, a.s., Martin, SR: Replacements of aged and outdated drives and gearboxes |
12:45 - 13:00 |
Tibor Šmida, IBOK, s.r.o., SR: Requalification of steel structures after exhausting technical life |
13:00 - 13:15 |
Roman Richter, SLOVALCO, a.s., Žiar nad Hronom, SR: Safety is first |
13:15 - 13:30 |
Discussion, Conference Closing |
Posters - within conference in the conference hall |
Gabriel Nowacki, Izabella Mitraszewska, Tomasz Kamiński -Motor Transport Institute, PL:Electronic Toll Collection System Proposition for Poland |
Tomasz Kamiński, Gabriel Nowacki, Izabella Mitraszewska - Motor Transport Institute, PL:Video register picture evaluation to support drivers training and examination |
Michal Balatka, Technická univerzita v Liberci, CZ: Software for maintenance evaluation |
Jan Kamenický, Technická Univerzita v Liberci, CZ:Development of videoelephone and its utilisation for remote maintenance support |
Vladimír Jurča, Tomáš Hladík, Zdeněk Aleš, Technická fakulta, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze,CZ:Interrim results of Euromaint project |
Dana Strachotová, VŠCHT Praha, CZ: Could Maintenance be Really Productive? |
Accompanying programme:
Seminar : Maintenance Future Ján Vranec, Juraj Valent - U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o.
Seminar : Maintenance and safety - Hana Pačaiová, Ivan Majer - TU Košice
Workshop: Maintenance Benchmarking – Reliability Evaluation - Ion Antonescu, GE Energy Romania; Michael Whittaker, IGE Energy Services (UK) Ltd; Jozef Toth, GE Energy, BN Slovakia; Juraj Grenčík, SSU / ŽU
We look forward to meeting you again at the National Forum on Maintenance 2009! Štrbské Pleso, hotel Patria, 26 - 27 May 2009