General partners: |

Main partners: |
Dear friends and colleagues,
In 2010 a jubilee 10th the international conference National Forum on Maintenance 2010 took place. At the conference we celebrated the tenth anniversary of this existence when it established its history in 2000 at Žilina at its "zero year:" and when the Slovak Maintenance Society was established. Since that time the conference with continually growing number of participants became a real forum where experts from broad spectrum of areas connected with maintenance meet annually. The conference from its beginning was a host also for many foreign speakers and companies. After ten years of existence we are pleased to say that we are fulfilling the vision declared in the beginning in 2000: “To bring actual information of high professional quality and provide favourable conditions for exchange of experience among maintenance professionals from Slovakia and abroad.”
In 2010 in total there were 173 registered participants, of which 26 foreigners. As usual most of them from the Czech republic - 21. The other nations - 2 from Poland, 2 from Austria and 1 from Sweden (cancelled at the last moment). Decrease in foreign participants was compensated by increased number of Slovak participants, the third highest in the whole history. The conference programme continued in well established scheme from the last years, that is the whole conference in one plenary session. The programme was determined by the conference partners and registered speakers. Most of presentations in the first day were in the session of the best practices and maintenance management, in the end there was a session dedicated to information technologies. The second day was focused mostly on predictive maintenance and diagnostics and advance maintenance technologies. Last but not least there were topics dedicated to safety and special issues.
The third day offered seminars "Utilisation of modern methods of quality management, such as TPM, RCM and Information systems for maintenance and for reaching high production quality“, "Safety and risk in maintenance“ and workshop "Maintenance Benchmarking – harmonised indicators EN and SMRP“.
For the seventh time the SSU award Maintainer of the year went to Ing. Ladislav Bombic, welding engineering and material specialist at Duslo Šaľa, a.s.
For the sixth time the SSU award for master thesis went to Ing. Peter Dubas, graduate at Technical University in Košice. This year a Certificatefor nomination to Euromaintenance 2010 award went to Ing. Ján Vranec, general manager for production support at U.S. Steel Košice, s.r.o..
We are pleased that the conference successfully celebrated its 10th anniversary and we hope that the next decade will continue success of the first one.
Professional Guarantors: |
Conference Preparatory Committee: |
- Václav Legát
- Juraj Sinay
- Peter Zvolenský
- Michal Abrahámfy
- Dušan Belko
- József Csiba
- Gabriel Dravecký
- Juraj Grenčík
- Jozef Hrubec
- Vendelín Íro
- Krzysztof Olejnik
- Hana Pačaiová
- Marko Rentka
- Vladimír Stuchlý
- Ivan Ševčík
- Zdeněk Votava
- Anton Vrba
- Michal Žilka
- Maintenance best practices and management
- Information systems and maintenance support
- Progressive maintenance technologies
- Predictive maintenance and diagnostics
- Maintenance safety and special topics
NFM 2010 – Participants evaluation
Which sessions you watched: |
yes |
partly |
no |
yes |
partly |
no |
Maintenance best practices and management |
87% |
11% |
2% |
Progressive maintenance technologies |
61% |
30% |
9% |
Information systems and maintenance support |
69% |
30% |
1% |
Maintenance safety and special topics |
59% |
28% |
13% |
Predictive maintenance and diagnostics |
74% |
24% |
2% |
Your evaluation (score: 1=excellent 5=bad): |
Overal level |
1,38±0,49 |
Conference organisation |
1,09±0,25 |
Professional level of presentations |
1,78±0,58 |
Conference topics |
1,54±0,57 |
Conference venue |
1,11±0,45 |
Conference date |
1,54±0,75 |

Photos from the conference
Tuesday, 25 May, 2010
Hotel PATRIA at Štrbské Pleso hosted for the 8th time the National Forum on Maintenance 2010 conference

Congress hall - participants

Congress hall - participants

Conference opening, from the left: Krzysztof Olejnik - PNTTE, Poland; Zdeněk Votava - ČSPÚ managing director / Czech rep.; Vendelín Íro - SSU vice chairman; Juraj Grenčík - SSU chairman; Juraj Sinay - TU Košice; Peter Zvolenský - University of Žilina; Lívia Beňová - Slovak Ministry of Economy

Krzysztof Oljenik - PNTTE representative, Polish mantenance society

Zdeněk Votava, managing director ČSPÚ

professor Juraj Sinay, TU Košice, professional guarantor

professor Peter Zvolenský - University of Žiline, professional guarantor

Lívia Beňová, Slovak Ministry of Economy

Conference opening - Juraj Grenčík: SSU - 10 years for development of maintenance in Slovakia in European context

Nomination for "Euromaintenance 2010" incentive award - Ján Vranec, U.S.Steel Košice, s r.o.

SSU award "Maintainer of the year 2009" - Ladislav Bombic, Duslo Šaľa, a.s.

Ladislav Bombic: Extension of operability of nitridic gases condensator in nitric acid production plant and increase of durability of new condensator at Duslo a.s. Šaľa

SSU award for master thesis - Peter Dubas, TU v Košiciach

Peter Dubas, TU Košice: Operative maintenance planning in SPP - distribúcia, a. s., Regionálne centrum Východ

Viera Peťková, eustream,a.s.,: Eustream as a safe and reliable lineroad for Europe

Anton Vrba, SPP-distribucia,a.s.: Preventive maintenance as the instrument for prevention of extraordinary situations

Ján Vranec, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o.: Progressive trends of maintenance in U.S. Steel Košice s.r.o

Jozef Čvirik,INSEKO, a.s. Žilina: New possibilities in EAM systems - synergy of joint venture IPESOFT and INSEKO

Jozef Pilát, SEPS, spol s r.o.: Repair of pipeline walls with open defects by sealing segment and segmented pressure rim under operation

Vlastimil Mäčko, ARI-Armaturen Albert Richter GmbH & Co. KG: ARI - FABA® - new generation of closing valves

Michael Müller, BIS GmbH TS: KPIs for performance measurement of service providers (a field report)

Katarína Grandová, KCOV, SjF STU Bratislava: Educational possibilities of Coordination centre of professional training, Maintenance technician

Daniela Gecelovská, Nationa inspetoreate of work safety, Košice: Safe maintenance - Healthy workplaces campaing 2010 - 11

Juraj Bátora, Hella Slovakia Signal-Lighting s.r.o.: TPM – Implementation in company Hella Slovakia Signal-Lighting s.r.o.

Ľudovít Boledovič, IPA Slovakia, Fraunhofer: Maintenance systems audits – are we doing our maintenance right?

Juraj Valent, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o.: Decrease in need for maintenance through implementation of OTH position (optech hybrid – maintainer operator)

Ľubomír Novanský, Slovenské elektrárne, a.s.: Experience from implementation of new system of work control in nucelar power stations

Miloš Tuharský, WURTH,s.r.o.: Technicko-chemické produkty a systém ich uskladnenia na prevádzkach údržby

Viliam Božík, WURTH,s.r.o.: Technical-chemical products and storage systems at maintenance operation

Zuzana Augustínová, TechPark, o.z. Žilina: Časopis Tribotechnika

Gabriel Dravecký, GD Project: Technological maintenance of factory and its position at production process

Tomáš Hladík, Logio s.r.o., CZ: Effective management of spare parts invenotory in maintenance

Oldřich Kuboň, SYSTÉMY Ratech: Management Information System to support the evaluation process operation and maintenance through performance indicators, KPIs

Miroslav Šandor, INSEKO, a.s. Žilina: Data entering automatization into EAM system – integration possibility of EAM system with other systems

Štefan Bartek, Slovnaft a.s.: Experiencies in use of the information system Infor EAM in company Slovnaft, a.s.

Peter Mezzey, Slovnaft a.s.: Support the planing process using the tools of the information system Infor EAM in company Slovnaft, a.s.

Věra Pelantová, TU v Liberci, CZ: Maintenance of an information system supporting the quality management system

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Letter of recognition awards on the 10th anniversary of SSU

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner
Wednesday, 26 May, 2010

František Helebrant, VŠB – TU Ostrava, CZ: Diagnostics of Belt Conveyors

Milan Neubert, VVV MOST spol. s r.o., CZ: Continual measurement of drums bearings vibration spectra in conveyer transport

Branislav Kyseľ, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o.: Front – line condition monitoring in heavy industry

Ondrej Valent, CMMS, s.r.o Praha, CZ: Revolution in modern maintenance

Peter Popálený, GE Energy, Bratislava: Steam Turbine Rotor Crack Detection

Petr Uřídil, SPM Instrument,s.r.o., CZ: Application of SPM monitoring methods for bearing lubrication inspection and optimisation

Peter Tirinda, B & K, s.r.o.: Importance of optimised protection and diagnostics of machines

Vladimír Oravčík, SKF Slovensko, spol. s r.o.: Service support of machinery operators in the field of rotation machines roller bearings

Adam Bojko, ADASH, CZ: Modern means of predictive maintenance

Jaroslav Dancák, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o.: Decrease cost and time consumption and extension lifetime replacement parts renovation with polymer substance

Ľubomír Šooš, SjF STU v Bratislave: Interconnection between faculty and practice at projects solution in waste disposal

Viliam Hager, Spirax-Sarco: Spirax Sarco - Product range – focus on Energy savings in steam/condensate systems

Milan Soukup, KLEENTEK Slovakia, s.r.o.: Tribodiagnostics - effective tool for predictive maintenance

Rudolf Kozák, NCH Slovakia s.r.o. – divízia ChemAqua: Chem Aqua – professional water treatment

Michal Abrahámfy, SLOVCEM spol.s.r.o.: BELZONA- special repairs

Jan Kamenický, TU v Liberc, CZ: Failure rate development of pumps used in power industry

Hana Pačaiová, TU Košice: Tools for increasing in safety in maintenance

Roman Richter, SLOVALCO, a.s., Žiar nad Hronom: How to Protect Human and Machine

Radim Doležal, TU v Liberci, CZ: The experience of the human reliability in maintenance

Krzysztof Olejnik, Instytut Transportu Samochodowego, Waszawa, PL:Safe operation of the vehicles in the road transport, in the aspect of the retro-reflective contour markings

Věra Pelantová, TU v Liberci, CZ: Woman in maintenance
Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Conference closing - ballot of 2nd prise for enquiry

Conference closing - 2 nd prise winner

Conference closing - ballot of 1st prise for enquiry

Conference closing - winner from enquiries

Conference closing - winner from enquiries

"Conference mascot"

Conference closing - thanks to participants and organisers, invitation to the 11th NFM 2011
Thursday 27 May, 2010
Accompanying events:
Seminar : Use of modern methods of maintenance management such as TPM, RCM and Information systme of r maintenance for reaching high quality production

Gabriel Dravecký - GD Projekt

Seminar : Safety and risk in maintenance - Hana Pačaiová, TU Košice

Workshop: Maintenance Benchmarking – harmonised indicators EN and SMRP - Juraj Grenčík, SSU / ŽU; Vendelín Íro, SSU

Pictures from the High Tatras - 2010

"Crown of Tatry " - Vysoká peak, 2547 m

Štrbské pleso with new constructions

Štrbské pleso - hotel Patria and "crown of Tatry"

Štrbské pleso, Kriváň, Solisko, Štrbský štít peaks in the background

Trip to Popradské pleso
Conference programme:
Tuesday, 25 May, 2010
7:00 - 8:45 |
Registration |
8:45 - 9:30 |
Conference opening |
8:45 - 9:00 |
Conference opening - solemn speaches |
9:00 - 9:10 |
Juraj Grenčík, SSU & KDMT, SjF, ŽU Žilina, SK: SSU - 10 years for development of maintenance in Slovakia in European context |
9:10 - 9:20 |
SSU award "Maintainer of the year“ |
9:20 - 9:30 |
SSU "Master thesis award“ |
9:30 - 12:20 |
Maintenance best practices and management |
9:30 - 9:50 |
Viera Peťková, eustream,a.s, SK: Eustream as a safe and reliable lineroad for Europe |
9:50 - 10:10 |
Anton Vrba, SPP-distribucia,a.s., SK: Preventive maintenance as the instrument for prevention of extraordinary situations |
10:10 - 10:25 |
Ján Vranec, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o, SK: Progressive trends of maintenance in U.S. Steel Košice s.r.o |
10:25 - 10:40 |
Jozef Čvirik, INSEKO, a.s. Žilina, SK: New possibilities in EAM systems - synergy of joint venture IPESOFT and INSEKO |
10:40 - 11:10 |
Coffee break |
11:10 - 11:25 |
Jozef Pilát, SEPS, spol s r.o., SK: Repair of pipeline walls with open defects by sealing segment and segmented pressure rim under operation |
11:25 - 11:40 |
Vlastimil Mäčko, ARI-Armaturen Albert Richter GmbH & Co. KG, SK: ARI - FABA® - new generation of closing valves |
11:40 - 11:50 |
Rudolf Wagner , BIS GmbH TS , D: BIS – Solution for industrial services |
11:50 - 12:10 |
Michael Müller , BIS GmbH TS , D: KPIs for performance measurement of service providers (a field report) |
12:10 - 12:20 |
Katarína Grandová, KCOV, SjF STU Bratislava, SK:Educational possibilities of Coordination centre of professional training, Maintenance technician |
12:20 - 13:30 |
Lunch break |
13:30 - 15:50 |
Maintenance best practices and management |
13:30 - 13:50 |
Gabriel Dravecký, GD Project, SK: Technological maintenance of factory and its position at production process |
13:50 - 14:10 |
Juraj Bátora, Hella Slovakia Signal-Lighting s.r.o. SK: TPM – Implementation in company Hella Slovakia Signal-Lighting s.r.o. |
14:10 - 14:30 |
Ľudovít Boledovič, IPA Slovakia, Fraunhofer, SK: Maintenance systems audits – are we doing our maintenance right? |
14:30 - 14:50 |
Juraj Valent, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o. SK: Decrease in need for maintenance through implementation of OTH position (optech hybrid – maintainer operator)> |
14:50 - 15:10 |
Ľubomír Novanský, Slovenské elektrárne, a.s., SK: Experience from implementation of new system of work control in nucelar power stations |
15:10 - 15:30 |
Miloš Tuharský, WURTH,s.r.o. , SK: Technical-chemical products and storage systems at maintenance operation |
15:30 - 15:50 |
Miroslav Rakyta ŽU, SjF, KPI, Žilina, SK: TPM – program development of excellence maintenance> |
15:50 - 16:20 |
Coffee break |
16:20 - 18:00 |
Information systems and maintenance support |
16:20 - 16:40 |
Oldřich Kuboň, SYSTÉMY Ratech, SK: Management Information System to support the evaluation process operation and maintenance through performance indicators, KPIs |
16:40 - 17:00 |
Tomáš Hladík, Logio s.r.o., CZ: Effective management of spare parts invenotory in maintenance |
17:00 - 17:20 |
Miroslav Šandor, INSEKO, a.s. Žilina, SK: Data entering automatization into EAM system – integration possibility of EAM system with other systems |
17:20 - 17:30 |
Štefan Bartek, Slovnaft, SK: Experiencies in use of the information system Infor EAM in company Slovnaft, a.s. |
17:30 - 17:40 |
Peter Mezzey, Slovnaft, SK: Support the planing process using the tools of the information system Infor EAM in company Slovnaft, a.s. |
17:40 - 18:00 |
Věra Pelantová, TU v Liberci , CZ: Maintenance of an information system supporting the quality management system |
18:00 – 19:00 |
Internal programme of SSU |
19:00 – 24:00 |
Conference dinner |
Letter of recognition awards on 10th anniversary of SSU |
8:00 – 10:20 |
Predictive maintenance and diagnostics |
8:00 - 8:10 |
František Helebrant, VŠB – TU Ostrava, CZ: Diagnostics of belt conveyers |
8:10 - 8:20 |
Milan Neubert, VVV MOST spol. s r.o., CZ: Continual measurement of drums bearings vibration spectra in conveyer transport |
8:20 - 8:40 |
Branislav Kyseľ, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o., SK: Front – line condition monitoring in heavy industry |
8:40 - 9:00 |
Ondrej Valent, CMMS, s.r.o Praha, CZ: Revolution in modern maintenance |
9:00 - 9:20 |
Peter Popálený, GE Energy, Bratislava, SK: Steam Turbine Rotor Crack Detection |
9:20 - 9:40 |
Peter Uřidil, SPM Instrument,s.r.o., CZ: Application of SPM monitoring methods for bearing lubrication inspection and optimisation |
9:40 - 10:00 |
Peter Tirinda, B & K,s.r.o., SK: Importance of optimised protection and diagnostics of machines |
10:00 - 10:10 |
Vladimír Oravčík, SKF Slovensko, spol. s r.o., SK: Service support of machinery operators in the field of rotation machines roller bearings |
10:10 - 10:20 |
Adam Bojko, Adash, s.r.o, CZ: Modern means of predictive maintenance |
10:20 - 10:50 |
Coffee break |
10:50 - 10:50 |
Progressive maintenance technologies |
10:50 - 11:00 |
Jaroslav Dancák, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o., SK: ZDecrease cost and time consumption and extension lifetime replacement parts renovation with polymer substance |
11:00 - 11:10 |
Ľubomír Šooš, SjF STU v Bratislave, SK: Interconnection between faculty and practice at projects solution in waste disposal |
11:10 - 11:30 |
Roman Hutta, Spirax Sarco s.r.o., SK: Spirax Sarco - Product range – focus on Energy savings in steam/condensate systems |
11:30 - 11:50 |
Vladislav Chvalina, KLEENTEK Slovakia,s.r.o., SK: Tribodiagnostics - effective tool for predictive maintenance |
11:50 - 12:05 |
Milan Sapár, Miroslav Mandúch, NCH Slovakia s.r.o. – divízia ChemAqua, SK: Chem Aqua – professional water treatment |
12:05 - 12:15 |
Michal Abrahámfy, SLOVCEM spol.s.r.o., SK: BELZONA- special repairs |
12:15 - 12:30 |
Jan Kamenický, TU v Liberci, CZ: Failure rate development of pumps used in power industry |
12:30 - 13:30 |
Lunch break |
13:30 - 15:00 |
Maintenance safety and special topics |
13:30 - 13:50 |
Hana Pačaiová, TU Košice, SK: Tools for increasing in safety in maintenance |
13:50 - 14:10 |
Roman Richter, SLOVALCO, a.s., Žiar nad Hronom, SK: How to Protect Human and Machine |
14:10 - 14:30 |
Radim Doležal, TU v Liberci, CZ: The experience of the human reliability in maintenance |
14:30 - 14:45 |
Krzysztof Olejnik, Grzegorz Woźniak Instytut Transportu Samochodowego, Waszawa PL: : Safe operation of the vehicles in the road transport, in the aspect of the retro-reflective contour markings |
14:45 - 15:00 |
Věra Pelantová, TU v Liberci, CZ: Woman in maintenance |
15:00 - 15:15 |
Conference closing |
Accompanying programme:
Seminar : Use of modern methods of maintenance management such as TPM, RCM and Information systme of r maintenance for reaching high quality production – Gabriel Dravecký, GD Project; Vladimír Stuchlý, ŽU; Ivan Ševčík, Inseko, a.s.
Seminar : Safety and risk in maintenance - Hana Pačaiová, TU Košice
Workshop: Maintenance Benchmarking – harmonised indicators EN and SMRP - Juraj Grenčík, SSU / ŽU; Vendelín Íro, SSU
We look forward to meeting you at the 11th National Forum on Maintenance 2011! Štrbské Pleso, Hotel Patria, 31 May - 2 June, 2011