General partner: |
Main media partner: |
Media partners: |
Dear friends and colleagues,
Below you can find short overview and photos from the eighteenth international conference National Forum on Maintenance 2018 that took place from 29 to 30 May 2018 traditionally in the hotel Patria at Štrbské Pleso. The conference from its beginnings in 2000 gradually established and has been keeping a status of a professional event where managers and specialists in maintenance, representatives of leading companies offering services for maintenance, representatives of wide range of industries as well as experts from academic sphere meet together. The mission of the conference from its origin is to : “Provide state-of-art information of high professional value and create favourable conditions for exchange of experience among maintenance professionals from Slovakia and abroad“. The conference proves its prominent positions by high number of over 200 domestic and foreign participants. The importance of the conference was o proved by high number of participants. At the 18th year we had 208 participants, out of which 177 from Slovakia and 41 foreign - Czech republic 23, Germany , Austria 2 and Poland and the USA by 1. An overview of evolution of the number of participants for all the conferences held between 2000 and 2018 is documented in the graph:

Evolution of the number of participants for all the conferences held between 2000 and 2018
The conference program continued in a well-established model of one and half-day conference, supplemented by a specialized seminar in the afternoon on the second day of the conference. The program included 28 prezentations, slightly less than in the previous year, to allow more space for presentations and discussion.
SSU has been awarding SSU prizes for recognition as a contribution to maintenance development almost from the start of conferences. The SSU Award "Maintainer of the Year 2017" was given to Ing. Marián Hanečák , from the U.S. Steel Košice, s.r.o., for his significant contribution to the development of maintenance at USSK, the implementation of progressive maintenance methods and technological procedures for repairs of metallurgical units. The SSU Award for Diploma Thesis this year was awarded to Jakub Kuboš , graduate of SJF STU in Bratislava, for his thesis: "Diagnostics of The Hydraulic Circuit with IFM system" under the supervision of doc. Karol Prikkel.
SSU Board of Management
- Maintenance best practices
- Maintenance management and information technologies
- Diagnostic methods
- Advanced maintenance technologies
- Training in maintenance
Accompanying programme:30 May, 2018, 14:00 - 17:00 - Seminar: Safety and quality in maintenance management
Professionan guearantors: |
Conference preparatory committee: |
- Václav Legát
- Juraj Sinay
- Peter Zvolenský
- Michal Abrahámfy
- Dušan Belko
- Gabriel Dravecký
- Katarína Grandová
- Juraj Grenčík
- Peter Herman
- Jan Hroch
- Jozef Hrubec
- Vendelín Íro
- Krzysztof Olejnik
- Hana Pačaiová
- Miroslav Rakyta
- Marko Rentka
- Vladimír Stuchlý
- Zdeněk Votava
- Michal Žilka
NFM 2018 – Participants survey - results
Which sessions did you attend: |
Yes |
Partly |
No |
Yes |
Partly |
No |
Maintenance best practices I |
60% |
22% |
10% |
Advanced maintenance technologies I |
50% |
35% |
15% |
Maintenance best practices II |
56% |
36% |
8% |
Technical diagnostics |
62% |
32% |
6% |
Maintenance mangement and information technologies |
58% |
32% |
10% |
Advanced maintenance technologies II |
47% |
35% |
18% |
Your evaluation (score: 1=excellent 5=poor) |
Overal conference level |
1,37±0,56 |
Conference organisation |
1,18±0,42 |
Professional level of presentations |
1,63±0,76 |
Conference topics selection |
1,74±0,59 |
Conference venue |
1,05±0,22 |
Conference date |
1,15±0,49 |
In the participant's survey, 79 responses were submitted, representing 38% of the subscribed participants. The participants from 1 to 5 evaluate the organizational and professional level of the conference and, in addition, they can comment on the next six questions. These questions remain unchanged from the outset, and it is possible to monitor the development of the first year's evaluation. Finally, they can mention 3 lectures that were most interesting to them. The rating again confirmed that the resulting marks remained stable for the entire reporting period. This year there was a slight improvement over the previous year in four and a minimal deterioration in two criteria. The highest level of satisfaction with the conference venue was confirmed by an improved unit mark (1.05.) Higher satisfaction was also with the term of the conference The level of expertise and the selection of topics for the conference improved slightly, although these areas had somewhat worse marks than others. the security remained virtually equal to a year ago, similarly the overall score was a little bit worse, but the mark of 1.37 is excellent, and we are excited to find that the assessments remain lastingly positive, but criticisms and remarks are valuable and we try to apply them for improvements in subsequent years. For the ninth time, participants also rated the three lectures they liked best . The evaluation revealed that only two lectures were not mentioned once, which meant that almost all the presentations were taken to such an extent that they were among the 3 most interesting. The ranking key remains the same: the lecture given first takes 3 points, the second one and the third one. The sum of the points is the first criterion for determining the order, the second is the number of the marks and the third the average of the marks. The score of the first 15 places is shown in the following table:
Rank |
Name |
Organisation |
PResentation |
Points |
Number |
Average |
1 |
Juraj Bezděk, Gabriel Zsilinszki |
sféra, a.s.; Duslo, a.s. |
Experience with the implementation of the maintenance inventory management system in Duslo a.s. |
59 |
23 |
2,57 |
2 |
Vladimír Oravčík |
SKF Slovensko, spol. s r.o. |
Evaluation of machinery maintenance -Maintenance assessment |
41 |
17 |
2,41 |
3 |
Peter Tatransky |
Amec Foster Wheeler Nuclear Slovakia, s.r.o. |
Experience from decontamination and cleaning activities during shutdowns at JE EBO and EMO |
30 |
14 |
2,14 |
4 |
Jan Vytřísal, Pavel Petrásek |
SEPS, a.s. Bratislava |
Reducing costs for determination the condition of flange joints without dismantling |
24 |
11 |
2,18 |
5 |
Peter Tirinda |
B & K, s.r.o., Bratislava |
The means and methods of protection, monitoring and technical diagnostics of important machinery |
22 |
12 |
1,83 |
6 |
Lubomír Sláma |
Act-In CZ, s.r.o |
Maintenance information systems in I4.0 with IoT and extended reality |
22 |
10 |
2,20 |
7 |
Martin Tesař |
Pokorný, s.r.o, Brno |
Impact of lubrication of the jointing material on the flange joint seal |
21 |
11 |
1,91 |
8 |
Jozef Schlesinger |
RECA Slovensko. s r.o. |
Optimization of maintenance logistics processes using Reca SECO and Istorage systems in line with Industry 4.0 |
21 |
8 |
2,63 |
9 |
Jan Tomáš |
TECHSEAL s.r.o. |
Mobile machining on position - broad possibilities with eventual constraints |
18 |
8 |
2,25 |
10 |
Adam Bojko |
Adash, s.r.o., Ostrava |
NNew advanced diagnostic devices |
16 |
8 |
2,00 |
11 |
Petr Kolečkář |
SPECTRO CS, s.r.o. |
Comprehensive set of instruments (suitable for field or stand alone) for a complete tribotechnical laboratory from SPECTRO SCIENTIFIC, USA |
14 |
9 |
1,56 |
12 |
Hana Pačaiová |
TU v Košiciach, SjF, KBKP |
Identification of Maintenance Processes - a condition for measuring performance indicators |
13 |
6 |
2,17 |
13 |
Karol Prikkel |
Strojnícka fakulta STU v Bratislave |
Effects due to the operation of the hydrodynamic pump out the optimal point |
13 |
6 |
2,17 |
14 |
Vlastimil Těšický |
John Crane Slovakia s.r.o. |
PPerformance Plus – future in maintenance?!? |
12 |
5 |
2,40 |
15 |
Ivana Dudášová |
Sun Solutions s.r.o. |
Information system for the registration of VTZ facilities and revision deadlines |
11 |
6 |
1,83 |
Photos from the conference
Tuesday, 29 May, 2018

Conference preparing - delivery of conference materials


Registration - keep smiling

Conference preparing - before opening, conference hall

Conference opening - Juraj Grenčík, SSU chairman

Conference opening - Dušan Petráš, ZSVTS chairman

Conference opening - Krzysztof Olejnik - representative of PNTTE (Polish Maintenance Society), Poland

Conference opening - Jan Hroch, executive director ČSPÚ, Czech Republic

Conference openinge - congress hall

Conference opening - congress hall

Conference opening - congress hall

Conference opening - congress hall

Conference opening - congress hall

SSU award "Maintainer of the year 2017" - Ing. Marián Hanečák, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o.

SSU award "Maintainer of the year 2017" - Ing. Marián Hanečák, U.S.Steel Košice, s.r.o.

SSU "Diploma thesis award" - Ing. Jakub Kuboš, SjF STU v Bratislave, diploma thesis with topic on: "Diagnostics of The Hydraulic Circuit with IFM system“

SSU "Diploma thesis award" - Ing. Jakub Kuboš, SjF STU v Bratislave, iploma thesis with topic on: "Diagnostics of The Hydraulic Circuit with IFM system“

Juraj Grenčík, SSU & ŽU, SjF, KDMT, Žilina, SK: Presentation of SSU and EFNMS activities

Juraj Bezděk, sféra, SK: Experience with the implementation of the maintenance inventory management system in Duslo a.s.

Juraj Bezděk, sféra, a.s. a Gabriel Zsilinszki, Duslo, a.s., SK: Experience with the implementation of the maintenance inventory management system in Duslo a.s.

Ronald Landefeld, FRAMATOME, D: Framatome - New Innovations

Peter Tatranský, Amec Foster Wheeler Nuclear Slovakia, s.r.o., SK: Experience from decontamination and cleaning activities during shutdowns at JE EBO and EMO

Jan Vytřísal, SEPS, a.s. Bratislava, SK: Reducing costs for determination the condition of flange joints without dismantling



Tomáš Stopka, eustream, a.s. Bratislava, SK: Trends in the development of technical diagnostics for investment projects

Martin Tesař, Pokorný, s.r.o, Brno, CZ: Impact of lubrication of the jointing material on the flange joint seal

Jozef Schlesinger, RECA Slovensko. s r.o., SK: Optimization of maintenance logistics processes using Reca SECO and Istorage systems in line with Industry 4.0

Vlastimil Těšický, John Crane Slovakia s.r.o., SK: Performance Plus – future in maintenance?!?

Jan Tomáš, TECHSEAL s.r.o., CZ: Mobile machining on position - broad possibilities with eventual constraints



Exterior presentation: LenMatec (partner of TECHSEAL) Mobile machining on position

Hana Pačaiová, TU v Košiciach, SjF, KBKP, SK: Identification of Maintenance Processes - a condition for measuring performance indicators

Vladimír Oravčík, SKF Slovensko, spol. s r.o., SK: Evaluation of machinery maintenance -Maintenance assessment

Matej Rákoš, Hilti Slovakia spol. s r.o. Bratislava, SK: ON!TRACK – asset maangement by HILTI

Filip Žilka, Act-In CZ, s.r.o., CZ: Maintenance information systems in I4.0 with IoT and extended reality


Peter Babič, Marpex, s.r.o., SK: The modern method of equipment recording - planning of revisions, repairs and maintenance

Ivana Dudášová, Sun Solutions s.r.o., SK: Information system for the registration of VTZ facilities and revision deadlines


Thomas Ritter, Technetics Group France, F: Advanced Metal Sealing Solutions for Critical Industry Applications

Ralf Kulessa, Markéta Šimkovičová, Garlock GmbH, D: Next level of PTFE gasketing Material - optimizing warehouse cost and capable of future emission levels. "Easy installation" leads to "Safer operation"

DVOŘÁK - svahové sekačky s. r. o., CZ: DVOŘÁK - svahové sekačky s. r. o., CZ: We mow wiht all on all terrains, NOT ONLY ON SLOPES!

DVOŘÁK - svahové sekačky s. r. o., CZ: We mow wiht all on all terrains, NOT ONLY ON SLOPES!

DVOŘÁK - svahové sekačky s. r. o., CZ: We mow wiht all on all terrains, NOT ONLY ON SLOPES!

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Spoločenský večer - raut

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner
Wednesday 30 May, 2018

Gabriel Dravecký - shairman and the Technical diagnostics in maintenance session

František Pastor, Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko, a. s.,SK: Modern methods of NDT and their use in maintenance of ZSSK rail vehicles

Adam Bojko, Adash, s.r.o., Ostrava, CZ: New advanced diagnostic devices

Petr Kolečkář, SPECTRO CS, s.r.o., CZ: Comprehensive set of instruments (suitable for field or stand alone) for a complete tribotechnical laboratory from SPECTRO SCIENTIFIC, USA

Peter Tirinda, B & K, s.r.o., Bratislava, SK: The means and methods of protection, monitoring and technical diagnostics of important machinery

Michal Janoško, D-Ex Instruments, Bratislava, SK: Calibrators of pressure, temperature, electrical quantities, flow, humidity and software tools for calibration management ;

Karol Prikkel, Strojnícka fakulta STU v Bratislave, SK: Effects due to the operation of the hydrodynamic pump out the optimal point

Miloš Vinš, WINFA, s.r.o., SK: Optimization of maintenance periods depending on planned shutdowns using HARDOX and WELDOX high-performance and heat-resistant steels

Róbert Vaník, Henkel Slovensko spol. s r.o., SK: Machines would have chosen Loctite

Ján Kýčerka, Welding & Testing of Materials, s.r.o., SK: Influence of fluorides on soldering aluminum alloys



Conferecne closing - participants survey - 3rd prize

Conferecne closing - participants survey - 2nd prize

Conferecne closing - participants survey - 1st prize

Conferecne closing - invitation to the next NFM 2019 and Euromaintenance 4.0 in Antwerp, September 2018



















Accompanying programme of the conference:

Seminar: Safety & quality in maintenance management Hana Pačaiová, Anna Nagyová, TU v Košiciach, SjF, KBKP

Seminar: Safety & quality in maintenance management Hana Pačaiová, Anna Nagyová, TU v Košiciach, SjF, KBKP

Seminar: Safety & quality in maintenance management Hana Pačaiová, Anna Nagyová, TU v Košiciach, SjF, KBKP
Pictures from the High Tatras 2018

Štrbské pleso

Štrbské pleso

Štrbské pleso

High Tatras panorama
Conference Final Programme:
Tuesday, 29 May, 2018
7:00 - 8:30 |
Registration |
8:30 - 9:00 |
Conference opening |
Solemn speeches |
SSU "Maintainer of the year award" |
SSU "Diploma thesis award" |
Juraj Grenčík, SSU, SK: Presentation of SSU and EFNMS activities |
9:00 - 10:30 |
Maintenance best practices |
Juraj Bezděk, sféra, a.s., Gabriel Zsilinszki, Duslo, a.s., SK: Experience with the implementation of the maintenance inventory management system in Duslo a.s. |
Jens Schurig, Ronald Landefeld, FRAMATOME, D: Framatome - New Innovations |
Peter Tatranský, Amec Foster Wheeler Nuclear Slovakia, s.r.o., SK: Experience from decontamination and cleaning activities during shutdowns at JE EBO and EMO |
Jan Vytřísal, Pavel Petrásek, SEPS, a.s. Bratislava, SK: Reducing costs for determination the condition of flange joints without dismantling |
Discussion |
10:30 - 11:00 |
Coffee break |
11:00 - 12:30 |
Maintenance best practices |
Viera Peťková, Tomáš Stopka, eustream, a.s. Bratislava, SK: Trends in the development of technical diagnostics for investment projects |
Martin Tesař, Pokorný, s.r.o, Brno, CZ: Impact of lubrication of the jointing material on the flange joint seal |
Jozef Schlesinger, RECA Slovensko. s r.o., SK: Optimization of maintenance logistics processes using Reca SECO and Istorage systems in line with Industry 4.0 |
Vlastimil Těšický, John Crane Slovakia s.r.o., SK: Performance Plus – future in maintenance?!? |
Discussion |
Jan Tomáš, TECHSEAL s.r.o., CZ: Mobile machining on position - broad possibilities with eventual constraints |
12:45 - 13:00 |
Exterior presentation: LenMatec (partner of TECHSEAL) |
13:00 - 14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 - 14:30 |
Time dedicated to visit the exhibitors |
14:30 - 16:00 |
Maintenance management and information technologies |
Hana Pačaiová, TU v Košiciach, SjF, KBKP, SK: Identification of Maintenance Processes - a condition for measuring performance indicators |
Vladimír Oravčík, SKF Slovensko, spol. s r.o., SK: Evaluation of machinery maintenance -Maintenance assessment |
Matej Rákoš, Hilti Slovakia spol. s r.o. Bratislava, SK: ON!TRACK – asset maangement by HILTI |
Lubomír Sláma, Act-In CZ. S.r.o., CZ: Maintenance information systems in I4.0 with IoT and extended reality |
Michal Slabý, Marpex, s.r.o., SK: The modern method of equipment recording - planning of revisions, repairs and maintenance |
Ivana Dudášová, Sun Solutions s.r.o., SK: Information system for the registration of VTZ facilities and revision deadlines |
Discussion |
16:10 - 16:30 |
Coffee break |
16:30 - 17:30 |
Advanced maintenance technologies |
Thomas Ritter, Technetics Group France, F: Advanced Metal Sealing Solutions for Critical Industry Applications |
Ralf Kulessa, Markéta Šimkovičová, Garlock GmbH, D: Next level of PTFE gasketing Material - optimizing warehouse cost and capable of future emission levels. "Easy installation" leads to "Safer operation"> |
Discussion |
Pavlína Nováková, Ladislav Javorský, DVOŘÁK - svahové sekačky s. r. o., CZ:Spider in Slovakia |
17:35 - 18:00 |
Exterior presentation |
Jaroslav Zadina, Martin Ježek, Petra Součková, DVOŘÁK - svahové sekačky s. r. o.,CZ: We mow wiht all on all terrains, NOT ONLY ON SLOPES! |
19:00 - 24:00 |
Conference dinner |
9:00 - 10:30 |
Diagnostic methods |
František Pastor, Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko, a. s.,SK: Modern methods of NDT and their use in maintenance of ZSSK rail vehicles |
Adam Bojko, Adash, s.r.o., Ostrava, CZ: New advanced diagnostic devices |
Petr Kolečkář, SPECTRO CS, s.r.o., CZ: Comprehensive set of instruments (suitable for field or stand alone) for a complete tribotechnical laboratory from SPECTRO SCIENTIFIC, USA |
Peter Tirinda, B & K, s.r.o., Bratislava, SK: The means and methods of protection, monitoring and technical diagnostics of important machinery |
Michal Janoško, D-Ex Instruments, Bratislava, SK: Calibrators of pressure, temperature, electrical quantities, flow, humidity and software tools for calibration management |
Discussion |
10:25 - 10:45 |
Coffee break |
10:45 - 11:45 |
Advanced maintenance technologies |
Karol Prikkel, Strojnícka fakulta STU v Bratislave, SK: Due to the operation of the hydrodynamic pump out the optimal point |
Miloš Vinš, WINFA, s.r.o., SK: : Optimization of maintenance periods depending on planned shutdowns using HARDOX and WELDOX high-performance and heat-resistant steels |
Róbert Vaník, Henkel Slovensko spol. s r.o., SK: Machines would have chosen Loctite |
Pavol Višňovský, Welding & Testing of Materials, s.r.o., SK: Influence of fluorides on soldering aluminum alloys |
11:45 - 12:30 |
Panel discussion - topics summary and training in maintenance Miroslav Rakyta, Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, SjF, KPI, SK: Maintenance 4.0 – digitization, human resources and training |
12:30 - 12:45 |
Conferecne closing |
12:45 - 14:00 |
Lunch |
14.00 – 17.00 |
Conference accompanying programme: |
Seminar: |
Safety and quality in maintenance management |
Hana Pačaiová, Anna Nagyová, TU Košice |
Free entrance for participants.
We are looking forward to meeting you at the nineteenth NFM 2019! Štrbské Pleso, Hotel Patria, 28 - 29 May, 2019