National Forum on Maintenance 2023

Thank you for the participation at the 22nd international conference.


5/30/2023 - 5/31/2023


Štrbské Pleso, hotel Patria


290 € not SSU members
180 € SSU members

Evaluation and photos from the conference:


General partner:
Main partners:
Media partners:



  • Maintenance best practices
  • Maintenance best practices, safety and information systems
  • Predictive maintenance and diagnostics
  • Advanced maintenance technology
  • Special topic

Professional guarantors:

Conference Preparatory Committee:

  • Hana Pačaiová
  • Martin Pexa
  • Peter Zvolenský


  • Michal Abrahámfy
  • Dušan Belko
  • Peter Darvaši
  • Gabriel Dravecký
  • Katarína Grandová
  • Juraj Grenčík
  • Jan Hroch
  • Krzysztof Olejnik
  • Viera Peťková
  • Marko Rentka
  • Jan Vytřísal
  • Michal Žilka

The 2023 conference had the highest attendance ever. There were 257 registered participants, 214 domestic and 43 international - 40 from the Czech Republic, 1 each from Germany, Sweden and Lebanon.

An overview of the evolution of the number of participants for all conferences held from 2000 to 2023 is documented in the following graph.

The conference program has its proven structure in the form of a one and a half day conference. The program included 29 lectures, similar to previous years. The effort is to create a space for discussion for each lecture. At the same time, on the first day after lunch, a time space is also set aside for exhibitor visits.

The program begins with a ceremonial opening in which the conference was greeted by special guests - the representative of the general partner of this year's conference, SLOVNAFT, a.s., Ing. Peter Mezzey, executive director of ČSPU, Ing. Jan Hroch and president of ATD SR, doc. Vierka Petková. This was followed by the awarding of the SSU award. The SSU "Maintainer of the Year 2022" prize was awarded this time to two awardees - Mgr. Peter Karvaš, maintenance manager Max Brose Prievidza and doc. Juraj Grenčík, long-time chairman, currently vice-chairman of the SSU board, from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Žilina. The SSU award for the "Diploma Thesis" out of 3 nominated theses was won by Ing. Matúš Korčuško, graduate of KPI, SjF UNIZA; the topic of his work was "Logistical system of procurement and management of spare parts". Finally, the SSU Award for the "Best Final Thesis Maintenance Manager" was awarded to Adrián Tarčák, head of maintenance at the Zberné raw materials a.s. company. Žilina.

In the professional program, the chairman of the board of SSU, Ing. Gabriel Dravecký, who gave a cross-sectional presentation of SSU activities and then focused on Maintenance Performance Audit as a tool for increasing safety, efficiency and quality of production in the production organization. This SSU product was presented in more detail by Professor Hana Pačaiová from KBaKP from SjF TU in Košice.

The introductory block was followed by lectures from the general partner of the conference, SLOVNAF, a.s., where first Ing. Peter Mezzey and Ing. Tomáš Beták presented a demanding maintenance event - Replacement of the distillation furnace F1, and then Ing. Dušan Gerlachovský for the company SLOVNAFT MONTÁŽE A OPRAVY, a.s. he spoke about the experience of Diagnostics in practice, positively evaluating the application of the most modern knowledge in the field of machine learning or of artificial intelligence in the field of technical diagnostics, the Machine Intelligence (MTELL) product from AspenTech, which, using machine learning methods, can process a huge amount of data from measurements and can subsequently predict the development of a malfunction and warn about it in time. Both lectures were interesting and provoked an interesting discussion, which was finally reflected in the participant poll, in which these lectures ended up in the first or second place. second place.

Of course, other lectures were also interesting. The representatives of the main partners of the conference continued. Ing. Peter Volna from SFÉRA, a.s. presented an IT solution for risk assessment, Ing. Michal Abrahámfy from SLOVCEM, spol. Ltd. he talked about paintable insulation and gluing of consoles instead of welding (superwrap 2 product - new Belzona solutions for maintenance) and finally Ing. František Šucha from Eustream, a.s. presented the upcoming EC regulation on reducing methane emissions in the energy sector.

The conference program was mainly dominated by the topics of predictive maintenance and diagnostics and progressive maintenance technologies. These thematic blocks were in the afternoon on the first day as well as in the morning on the second day. At the end of the program, Ing, Soňa Sopóci spoke, one might say traditionally, who refreshed the program with a lecture: "How to prosecute everything and not go crazy".

You can find the conference program below under the photos.

Results of the participant survey:

This year, the participant survey was in a new form - electronically, in the form of filling out a questionnaire on Google forms accessible via QR code (processed and delivered by the ProCS company). The questions remained the same as in previous polls, so that individual years could be compared. The new form proved itself and there were no problems with it. However, it was not anonymous so that the prize winners could be drawn for completing the survey. 104 responses were sent, which is 40.4% and roughly corresponds to the percentage of questionnaires submitted in previous years.

The results of the survey are presented in tables and the comparison of ratings for all grades is processed in a graph.

YOur evaluation

Your evaluation:
(grades: 1 = best  5 = worst)

The overall level of the conference


Professional level of contributions


Venue of the conference


Organizational assurance


Selection of conference topics


Conference date














It is gratifying that in all areas the rating was better than last year (only the conference venue remained the same rating - 1.05, which means almost absolute satisfaction) and thus confirmed the effort to continuously improve the level of the conference.

The participants again evaluated the three lectures they liked the most. The ranking was determined only by the number of votes received.

The ranking of the first 14 places is shown in the following table:







Tomáš Beták, Peter Mezzey


Replacement of the distillation furnace F1



Dušan Gerlachovský


Diagnostics in practice



Gabriel Dravecký, Hana Pačaiová


Maintenance performance audit as a tool for increasing the safety, efficiency and quality of production in the production organization



Michal Abrahámfy

SLOVCEM, spol. s r.o.

Paintable insulation, gluing of brackets instead of welding, superwrap 2 - new Belzona solutions for maintenance



Igor Ubreži

ECOFIL, spol. s.r.o.

Monitoring the quality and efficiency of oil filtration



Martin Tesař

Pokorny industries s.r.o.

Effect of lubrication on the tightness of flange joints



Erika Bartková

TÜV Thüringen Slovakia s.r.o.

Surface NDT test methods and correct interpretation of results when assessing the condition of operating equipment



Rastislav Šindolár

ZKW Slovakia s.r.o.

Safety of technical equipment and verification of legislative requirements in the production company



Jozef Krakovský

TECH-K s.r.o.

Substantial change of machinery and its impact on further safe use of machinery and technology



Jan Vytřísal

SEPS, a.s.

Requirements for ensuring safety when feeding a branch from a pipe or tank during operation



Soňa Sopóci

Affida, s.r.o.

How to catch up with everything and not go crazy



František Šucha

eustream, a.s.

The upcoming EC regulation on reducing methane emissions in the energy sector



Matej Sládek

LASCAM systems s.r.o.

Laser - innovative technology in maintenance



Jan Novák

Kleentek, spol. s r.o.

Lifetime oil refills, dream or reality?


Photo documentation from the conference

Tuesday, 30 May, 2023

Registration of participants

Opening of the conference - from left, Dušan Belko - vice-chairman of the SSU board, Jan Hroch - executive director of ČSPÚ, Viera Peťková - president of ATD SR, Peter Mezzey - head of maintenance, SLOVNAFT, a.s. , representative of the general partner, Gabriel Dravecký - chairman of the SSU board of directors and Juraj Grenčík - vice chairman of the SSU board of directors

Opening of the conference - from left, Dušan Belko - vice-chairman of the SSU board, Jan Hroch - executive director of ČSPÚ, Viera Peťková - president of ATD SR, Peter Mezzey - head of maintenance, SLOVNAFT, a.s. , representative of the general partner, Gabriel Dravecký - chairman of the SSU board of directors and Juraj Grenčík - vice chairman of the SSU board of directors

Opening of the conference - participants

Opening of the conference - participants

Opening of the conference - SSU Award "Maintainer of the Year 2022" - Mgr. Peter Karvaš, maintenance manager of Max Brose Prievidza

Opening of the conference - SSU Award "Maintainer of the Year 2022" - doc. Juraj Grenčík, vice-chairman of the SSU BoD

Opening of the conference - SSU prize for diploma thesis: Ing. Matúš Korčuško, graduate of KPI, SjF UNIZA

Opening of the conference - SSU Award for "Best Final Thesis Maintenance Manager": Adrián Tarčák, head of maintenance at Zberné suroviny a.s. Žilina

Opening of the conference - Gabriel Dravecký, Chairman of the Board of SSU, Hana Pačaiová, KBaKP SjF TU in Košice - Maintenance performance audit as a tool for increasing safety, efficiency and quality of production in the production organization

Peter Mezzey, SLOVNAFT, a.s. - Replacement of the distillation furnace F1

Tomáš Beták, SLOVNAFT, a.s. - Replacement of the distillation furnace F1

Dušan Gerlachovský, SLOVNAFT MONTÁŽE A OPRAVY, a.s. - Diagnostics in practice

Discussion of the presentation

Discussion of the presentation

The section Best practice, safety and information systems in maintenance was chaired by Michal Žilka and Juraj Grenčík

Peter Volna, sféra, a.s. - IT solution for risk assessment

Michal Abrahámfy, SLOVCEM, spol. s r.o. - Paintable insulation, gluing of brackets instead of welding, superwrap 2 - new Belzona solutions for maintenance

František Šucha, eustream, a.s. - The upcoming EC regulation on reducing methane emissions in the energy sector

Rastislav Šindolár, ZKW Slovakia s.r.o. - Safety of technical equipment and verification of legislative requirements in the production company

Jozef Krakovský, TECH-K s.r.o. - Substantial change of machinery and its impact on further safe use of machinery and technology

Company exhibitions:


Predictive Maintenance and Diagnostics I and Advanced Maintenance Technologies I

The sessions were chaired by Hana Pačaiová and Gabriel Dravecký

Jan Vytřísal, SEPS, a.s. - Requirements for ensuring safety when feeding a branch from a pipe or tank during operation

Přemysl Kuchař, MERO ČR, a.s. - Integrity management using modern so-called "advanced" NDT methods in MERO CR

Marek Šeremeta, LAMI KAPPA, spol. s r.o. - Solutions for diagnostics and maintenance - news and trends

Aleš Mišura, NDE Solutions, s.r.o. - Robotic platforms for NDE

Erika Bartková, TÜV Thüringen Slovakia s.r.o. - Surface NDT test methods and correct interpretation of results when assessing the condition of operating equipment

Matej Sládek, LASCAM systems s.r.o. - Laser - innovative technology in maintenance

Tereza Tužová, LASCAM systems s.r.o. - Laser - innovative technology in maintenance

Martin Tesař, Pokorny industries s.r.o. - Effect of lubrication on the tightness of flange joints

Michal Páca, RUML EMES s.r.o. - Are you looking for a seal for contact with drinking water according to the latest requirements of the Elastomer Guidelines? You don't have to anymore, there is Klingersil C4240

Bohdan Palkovič, Techtronic Industries Slovakia s.r.o. - Milwaukee – Solutions provider

Conference dinner

Wednesday, 31 May, 

Predictive maintenance and diagnostics II and Progressive maintenance technologies II

Session was chaired by Katarína Grandová a Jan Vytřísal

Jan Novák, Kleentek, spol. s r.o. - Lifetime oil refills, dream or reality?

Discussion about the presetnation

Tomáš Turan, ALS CZECH republic, s.r.o. - Contamination of hydraulic and turbine fluids and the benefit of tribotechnical diagnostics for end users

Igor Ubreži, ECOFIL, spol. s.r.o. - Monitoring the quality and efficiency of oil filtration

Peter Tirinda, B & K s.r.o. - Progressive methods and means of protection, monitoring and technical diagnostics of machines

Adam Bojko, Adash spol. s r.o.  - Adash – modern diagnostic devices for every maintenance

Jozef Konečný Danfoss spol. s r.o. - Prediction and monitoring of the condition of the device using a frequency converter

Róbert Vaník, Henkel Slovensko, spol. s r.o. - LOCTITE products for maintenance

Karel Ritschel, Hilti Slovakia spol. s r.o. - NURON – performance, safety and innovation in Hilti's new 22V platform

Dušan Bobek, AD Wings, s.r.o. - IKEMA s.r.o. - AD Wings and Ikema – together we offer suitable solutions for realignment of assets and savings in maintenance costs

Martin Fojtík, Eduard Bakoš, Gekkon, s.r.o. - Gekkon - complete services in the field of handling technology

Pavel Zguriš, Reca Slovensko, s.r.o. - Possibilities of optimizing supplies of technical consumables for maintenance

Soňa Sopóci, Affida, s.r.o. - How to catch up with everything and not go crazy

Conference closing

Drawing of prizes for filling out the participant survey - 2nd prize

Drawing of prizes for filling out the participant survey - 1st prize

Conference closing - invitation to NFU 2024

Conference closing - thanks for the organization and participation

Enchanting Štrbské pleso




 30 May, 2023 - Tuesday




Conference opening


Solemn addresses


SSU award "Maintainer of the Year"


SSU Award "For Diploma Thesis"


SSU Award "For the final thesis Maintenance Manager"


Gabriel Dravecký, Hana Pačaiová


Maintenance performance audit as a tool for increasing the safety, efficiency and quality of production in the production organization


Maintenance best practices


Tomáš Beták, Peter Mezzey


Replacement of the distillation furnace F1


Dušan Gerlachovský


Diagnostics in practice


Coffee break



Maintenance best practices, safety and information systems


Peter Volna

sféra, a.s.

IT solution for risk assessment


Michal Abrahámfy

SLOVCEM, spol. s r.o.

Paintable insulation, gluing of brackets instead of welding, superwrap 2 - new Belzona solutions for maintenance


František Šucha

eustream, a.s.

The upcoming EC regulation on reducing methane emissions in the energy sector


Rastislav Šindolár

ZKW Slovakia s.r.o.

Safety of technical equipment and verification of legislative requirements in the production company


Jozef Krakovský

TECH-K s.r.o.

Substantial change of machinery and its impact on further safe use of machinery and technology





Time for visiting exhibitors


Predictive maintenance and diagnostics I 


Jan Vytřísal

SEPS, a.s.

Requirements for ensuring safety when feeding a branch from a pipe or tank during operation


Přemysl Kuchař

MERO ČR, a.s.

Integrity management using modern so-called "advanced" NDT methods in MERO CR


Marek Šeremeta

LAMI KAPPA, spol. s r.o.

Solutions for diagnostics and maintenance - news and trends


Aleš Mišura

NDE Solutions, s.r.o.

Robotic platforms for NDE


Erika Bartková

TÜV Thüringen Slovakia s.r.o.

Surface NDT test methods and correct interpretation of results when assessing the condition of operating equipment


Coffee break



Advanced maintenance technology I


Matej Sládek

LASCAM systems s.r.o.

Laser - innovative technology in maintenance


Martin Tesař

Pokorny industries s.r.o.

Effect of lubrication on the tightness of flange joints


Michal Páca

RUML EMES s.r.o.

Are you looking for a seal for contact with drinking water according to the latest requirements of the Elastomer Guidelines? You don't have to anymore, there is Klingersil C4240


Bohdan Palkovič

Techtronic Industries Slovakia s.r.o.

Milwaukee – Solutions provider


Coffee break



Conference dinner






 31 May, 2023 - Wednesday 


Predictive maintenance and diagnostics II 


Jan Novák

Kleentek, spol. s r.o.

Lifetime oil refills, dream or reality?


Tomáš Turan

ALS CZECH republic, s.r.o.

Contamination of hydraulic and turbine fluids and the benefit of tribotechnical diagnostics for end users


Igor Ubreži

ECOFIL, spol. s.r.o.

Monitoring the quality and efficiency of oil filtration


Peter Tirinda

B & K s.r.o.

Progressive methods and means of protection, monitoring and technical diagnostics of machines


Adam Bojko

Adash spol. s r.o.

Adash – modern diagnostic devices for every maintenance


Jozef Konečný

Danfoss spol. s r.o.

Prediction and monitoring of the state of the device using a frequency converter


Coffee break



Advanced maintenance technology II 


Róbert Vaník

Henkel Slovensko spol. s r.o.

LOCTITE products for maintenance


Karel Ritschel

Hilti Slovakia spol. s r.o.

NURON – performance, safety and innovation in Hilti's new 22V platform


Dušan Bobek

AD Wings, s.r.o. - IKEMA s.r.o.

AD Wings and Ikema – together we offer suitable solutions for managing assets and saving maintenance costs


Martin Fojtík, Eduard Bakoš

Gekkon, s.r.o.

Gekkon - complete services in the field of handling technology


Pavel Zguriš

Reca Slovensko, s.r.o.

Possibilities of optimizing supplies of technical consumables for maintenance


Špeciálna téma


Soňa Sopóci

Affida, s.r.o.

How to catch up with everything and not go crazy


Conference closing with the drawing of the enquiry





We invite you to the 23rd NFM 2024

Štrbské Pleso, hotel Patria

28 -29 May, 2024