National Forum on Maitnenance 2006


5/15/2006 - 5/16/2006


Vysoké Tatry, Štrbské Pleso, Hotel PATRIA

International conferenceheld under the patronage of the Slovak Ministry of Economy



General partner:
Main partners:

Professional guarantors: Conference Preparatory Committee:  
  • Juraj Sinay
  • Peter Zvolenský
  • Dušan Belko
  • Gabriel Dravecký
  • József Csiba
  • Juraj Grenčík
  • Mária Hromníková
  • Jozef Hrubec
  • Vendelín Íro
  • Václav Legát
  • Krzysztof Olejnik
  • Jaroslav Miklánek
  • Hana Pačaiová
  • Vladimír Stuchlý
  • Ivan Ševčík
  • Michal Žilka

      After successful regional conference Central European Forum on Maintenance 2005 that was organised in collaboration with partner maintenance societies of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland by the Slovak Maintenance Society, the seventh National Forum on Maintenance 2006 conference took place, tradition of which was established already in 2000.
      Month May (15 - 16 May, 2006) as well as its (hotel Patria in Vysoké Tatry, Štrbské Pleso) have been already in minds of great part of maintenance people in Slovakia and abroad. The conference was attended by 160 participants, of which 18 from abroad. By the number of participants this conference was the second best in the series, whilst number of domestic attendants was the highest so far. The lower participation from abroad, especially nobody from EFNMS representatives was caused by the fact, than in June the Euromaintenance 2006 - 3rd World Maintenance Congress was held in Basel, Switzerland.

      During the conference for the third time prize SSU "Maintainer of the Year“, was awarded, this time to maintenance manger at TOPVAR, a.s. Topoľčany - brewery, Ing. Gabriel Dravecký. For the second time was prize SSU for diploma work, was awarded this year to graduate from the University of Zilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, specialisation of Operation and Maintenance of Rail Vehicles, Ing. Ján Grajciar, for the diploma work solving project of diagnostics for railway diesel cars series 811. Prize for contribution in development of Slovak Maintenance Society was awarded in memoriam to late SSU chairman, Ing. Adolf Murín
.       Generally it can be concluded that the conference managed to be successful also with the new SSU management. Moreover, by participants'evaluation in the most of criteria it was the best one so far. The main problem was its tight programme and selection of conference topics. And more interest is being put on practical applications and solutions, as well as technology and diagnostics.


Monday, 15 May, 2006

Conference venue - hotel PATRIA - May 2006

Registration of participants

COnference opening - chair board, form the left Krzysztof Olejnik - PNTT Poland, Jan Nový - ČSPÚ director, Czech rep., Peter Zvolenský - University of Zilina - professional guarantor, Vendelín Íro - SSU vice chairman, Juraj Grenčík - SSU chairman, Miroslav Piršel - Ministry of Economy SR

Conference opening - Vendelín Íro, SSU vice chairman

Conference opening - Peter Zvolenský, professional guarantor of the conference

Conference opening - Jan Nový, ČSPÚ director, Czech republic

Conference opening - Krzysztof Olejnik - PNTT representative, Poland

Conference opening - Miroslav Piršel - representative of the Slovak Ministry of Economy

Conference opening - congress hall

Conference opening - congress hall

Juraj Grenčík, SSU chairman - Sharing knowledge for benefit of maintenance

Maintained of the year 2005 award - Gabriel Dravecký, TOPVAR, a.s.

SSU prize for the diploma works - Ján Grajciar, University of Zilina, Faculty of Mech.Eng., Operation and Maintenance of Rail Vehicles

Rolf Hesse - presentaion of the General partner - ISS Automotive services

Rastislav Milan - Best maintenance practices in the U.S. Steel Košice

Norbert Spoerk, MCE Industrietechnik, Autria - The way forward to excellence in maintenance

Václav Legát, Česká zemědělská univerzita, TF v Praze - How many maintenance management systems are aimed at maintenance excellence?

Claude-Henri Weiller, Datastream Europe / INFOR, France - Enterprise Asset Management : From Compliance to performance

Hana Pačaiová, KBaKP, SjF, TU Košice - Integrity management as a tool for optimum maintenance of gas equipment

Kateřina Nakládalová, GEFOS SK - Company presentation of the Main partner

František Pandula, Delta Consulting s.r.o. PRAHA, CZ - Experience from implementation and certification of QMS in maintenance of machines, equipment and tools in car industry

Dafor Kristovic, Loy und Hutz AG, Germany - Company presentation of the Main partner

Michael Mueller, Rheinhold und Mahla, Austria, Sustainable cost decreasing with high equipment availability

Rastislav Krbaťa, Sféra, a.s., Bratislava, - Equipment life cycle in asset management and maintenance system

Ondrej Valent, CMMS, s.r.o, Praha - PROACTINANCE – Management system of proactive maintenance

Ján Prieložný - Some aspects of implementation of special SW for support of maintenance in Považská cementáreň a.s. Ladce

Jozef Lacko, Inseko, a.s., Žilina - Company processes supported by maintenance IS

Roman Mandelík, MRO Software, SK - Company presentation of the Partner

Vladimír Stuchlý, KDMT, SjF, University of Žilina - Risk assessment in execution of project managment

Miroslav Rakyta, University of Žilina - Concept of development of machinery and equipment maintenance

Štefan Tamás, MCE Industrietechnik Slovensko - Company presentation of the Partner

Roman Poprocký, KDMT, SjF, Žilinská Univerzita v Žiline - Trends in CMMS/EAM

Marek Šesták, Mechanisation faculty SPU, Nitra -Development of software for certification in reliability of staff in organisation

Miroslav Kováčik, Sféra, a.s., Bratislava - Integration of D7i maintenance system and Graphic technical information system XMatik NT in Slovnaft, a.s. corp.

Ladislav Belanec, Inseko, a.s., Žilina - Data input and output from maintenance IS

Miroslav Šandor, Inseko, a.s., Žilina - Planning of maintenance work in IS

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Conference dinner

Tuesday, 16 May, 2006

Ladislav Antal, SmurfitKappa Štúrovo, a.s. - Diagnostics - efficient tool for planned maintenance

Ivo Šafář, Ústav aplikované mechaniky Brno - Analyses of Residual Life of Equipments in the Petrochemical Industry

František Helebrant, VŠB – TU Ostrava -Information system for tribology

Roman Jedlička, SE, JE Bohunice - Predictive maintenance support in Slovak Electric Power Plants

Michal Abrahámfy, SLOVCEM spol. s r.o., Malacky - Advanced renovation of pumps increasing their output parameters

Gabriel Zsilinszki, Duslo, a.s., Šaľa - Sealing of industrial leakages during operation on leaky equipment

EAGLEBURGMANN CZ - Company presetnation of the partner

Paweł Droździel, Lublin University of Technology, Poland - Economic spects of vehicle transport

Krzysztof Olejnik, Motorisation Commision of the Polish Maintenance Society, Poland - The Chosen Problems of Safety in the Use of Cars which Concern the Visible Transfer Connected with Cases of System Defective Marking of Roads in Poland

EFESO SK - Company presetnation of the partner

František Vráb, Žilinská univerzita, SjF, KPI - Maintenance as a profit and competitiveness source of a company

Zuzana Vranayová, TU Košice, SvF - Building maintenance as managed process

Miroslav Kováčik, Sféra, a.s., Bratislava - Solution for roads administration and management – XMatik SC

GE Energy - Company presetnation of the partner

Anna Kortišová, SLOVALCO, a.s. - Tool for analysis of capacity losses of machinery equipment

Session chairman

Conference participants

Conference participants

Conference participants

Conference participants

Conference participants

Conference participants

Conference participants

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Company exhibitions

Conference closing

Seminar and workshop

Seminar Maintenance management in small and medium enterprises - Ing. Polanka

Seminar Maintenance management in small and medium enterprises - Doc. Stuchlý

Seminar Maintenance management in small and medium enterprises - attendants

Workshop Maintenance Benchmarking – EFNMS and prEN 15 341

Workshop Maintenance Benchmarking – EFNMS and prEN 15 341

Workshop Maintenance Benchmarking – EFNMS and prEN 15 341

Workshop Maintenance Benchmarking – EFNMS and prEN 15 341

THe High Tatras - May 2006

Kriváň form Važec

Spring in Tatras


Mlynická valley

Waterfall Skok


  1. New Trends and Maintenance Management
  2. Computer Support for Maintenance Management
  3. Maintenance Technologies and Diagnostics
  4. Special Topics

CONFERENCE PROGRAMMEupdated on 3 May, 2006


Monday 15 May, 2006


8,00 - 9,00


9,30 - 18,15 Plenary session
9,00 - 9,30 Conference opening
  Juraj Grenčík, SSU chairman, SK, Sharing knowledge for benefit of maintenance
  "Maintainer of the year" SSU award
  "Master thesis"SSU award
9,30 - 12,45 New Trends and Maintenance Management
9,30 - 9,50 Rolf Hesse, ISS Automotive Services, CZ, Company presentation of General partner
9,50 - 10,05 Rastislav Milan,USSteel Košice, DZ Mechanika, SK, Best maintenance practices in the U.S. Steel Košice
10,05 - 10,20 Norbert Spoerk, MCE Industrietechnik, AUT, The way forward to excellence in maintenance
10,20 - 10,35 Václav Legát, Česká zemědělská univerzita, TF v Praze, CZ, How many maintenance management systems are aimed at maintenance excellence?
10,35 - 10,50 Claude-Henri Weiller, Datastream Europe, FR, Implementing Enterprise Asset Management solutions in the Industrial Operations: From Compliance to Performance
10,50 - 11,05 Datastream - company presentation of Main partner
11,05 - 11,20 Coffee Break
11,20 - 11,35 Hana Pačaiová, KBaKP, SjF, TU v Košiciach, SK, Integrity management as a tool for optimum maintenance of gas equipment
11,35 - 11,50 GEFOS SK - company presentation of Main partner
11,50 - 12,05 František Pandula, Delta Consulting s.r.o. PRAHA, CZ, Experience from implementation and certification of QMS in maintenance of machines, equipment and tools in car industry
12,05 - 12,20 Loy und Hutz AG, GER - company presentation of Main partner
12,20 - 12,35 Michael Mueller, Reinhold und Mahla, GER, Sustainable cost decreasing with high equipment availability
12,35 - 12,45 Reinhold und Mahla, GER - company presentation of Partner
12,45 - 14,00 Lunch
14,00 - 16,15 New Trends and Maintenance Management
14,00 - 14,15 Rastislav Krbaťa, Sféra, a.s., Bratislava, SK, Equipment life cycle in asset management and maintenance system
14,15 - 14,30 Ondrej Valent, CMMS, s.r.o, Praha, CZ, PROACTINANCE – the proactive maintenance solution
14,30 - 14,40 CMMS, s.r.o, Praha, CZ - Company presentation of Partner
14,40 - 14,55 Ján Prieložný, Považská cementáreň a.s., Ladce,SK, Some aspects of implementation of special SW for support of maintenance in Považská cementáreň a.s. Ladce
14,55 - 15,10 Jozef Lacko, Inseko, a.s., Žilina, SK, Company processes supported by maintenance IS
15,10 - 15,25 Hagen Neulen, MRO Software, GER, Strategic asset and service management - consolidation of systems and processes in maintenance
15,25 - 15,35 MRO Software, SK - Company presentation of Partner
15,35 - 15,50 Vladimír Stuchlý, KDMT, SjF, Žilinská Univerzita v Žiline, SK, Risk assessment in execution of project managment
15,50 - 16,05 Miroslav Rakyta, Žilinská univerzita, SjF, KPI, SK, Concept of development of machinery and equipment maintenance
16,05 - 16,15 MCE Industrietechnik Slovakia - Company presentation of Partner
16,15 - 16,45 Coffee Break
16,45 - 18,00 Computer Support for Maintenance Management
16,45 - 17,00 Jozef Hrubec, Marek Šesták, Mechanizačná fakulta SPU - Nitra, SK, Development of software for certification in reliability of staff in organisation
17,00 - 17,15 Roman Poprocký, Vladimír Stuchlý, KDMT, SjF, Žilinská Univerzita v Žiline, SK, Trends in CMMS/EAM
17,15 - 17,30 Miroslav Kováčik, Sféra, a.s., Bratislava, SK, Integration of D7i maintenance system and Graphic technical information system XMatik NT in Slovnaft, a.s. corp.
17,30 - 17,45 Ladislav Belanec, Inseko, a.s., Žilina, SK, Input and Output of data from maintenance Information system
17,45 - 18,00 Miroslav Šandor, Inseko, a.s., Žilina, SK, Planning of maintenance work in IS
18,00 - 18,15 Pavol Šulič, IFS Slovakia s.r.o., SK, MRO solution as efficient tool for maintenance and repair management

19,30 - Conference Dinner

Tuesday 16 May, 2006


8,00 - 12,45 Plennary Session
8,00 - 10,05 Maintenance Technologies and Diagnostics
8,00 - 8,15 Ladislav Antal, SmurfitKappa Štúrovo, a.s., SK, Diagnostics - efficient tool for planned maintenance
8,15 - 8,30 Ivo Šafář, Stanislav Vejvoda, Ústav aplikované mechaniky Brno, s.r.o., CZ, Accident risk and residual life expectancy of equipment in chemical and oil industry
8,30 - 8,45 František Helebrant, Jiří Kratochvíl, Vladislav Marek, VŠB – TU Ostrava, CZ, Information system for tribology
8,45 - 8,55 ADASH CZ - Company presentation of Partner
8,55 - 9,10 Roman Jedlička,SE, JE Bohunice, SK, Predictive maintenance support in Slovak Electric Power Plants
9,10 - 9,25 Pavol Lacko, Marián Dulák, USS Košice, závod Teplá Valcovňa, SK,New knowledge in continually controlled dynamics of oscillating mechanical system
9,25 - 9,40 Michal Abrahámfy SLOVCEM spol. s r.o., Malacky, SK, Advanced renovation of pumps increasing their output parameters
9,40 - 9,55 Gabriel Zsilinszki, Duslo, a.s., Šaľa, SK, Sealing of industrial leakages during operation on leaky equipment
9,55 - 10,05 EAGLEBURGMANN CZ - Company presentation of Partner
10,05 - 10,30 Coffee Break
10,30 - 12,35 Special Topics
10,30 - 10,45 Paweł Droździel, Leszek Krzywonos, Lublin University of Technology, PL, Economic spects of vehicle transport
10,45 - 11,00 Krzysztof Olejnik, Motorisation Commision of the Polish Maintenance Society, PL, The Chosen Problems of Safety in the Use of Cars which Concern the Visible Transfer Connected with Cases of System Defective Marking of Roads in Poland
11,00 - 11,10 EFESO SK - Company presentation of Partner
11,10 - 11,25 Mária Hromníková, Stavebná fakulta STU v Bratislave, SK, Housing stock maintenance management
11,25 - 11,40 Zuzana Vranayová, Juraj Kalaš, TU Košice, SvF, SK, Building maintenance as managed process
11,40 - 11,55 Miroslav Kováčik, Sféra, a.s., Bratislava, SK, Solution for roads administration and management – XMatik SC
11,55 - 12,05 GE Energy - Company presentation of Partner
12,05 - 12,20 Roman Richter, Anna Kortišová, SLOVALCO, a.s., Žiar nad Hronom,SK, Tool for analysis of capacity losses of machinery equipment
12,20 - 12,35 František Vráb Žilinská univerzita, SjF, KPI, SK, Maintenance as a profit and competitiveness source of a company


12,35 - 12,45 Conference Closing

Wednesday 17 May, 2006

Conference accompanying actions :


Seminar : Maintenance management is small and medium enterprises


Workshop: Miantenance Benchmarking - EFNMS and new stnadards



Conference venue:

Vysoké Tatry, Štrbské pleso, Hotel PATRIA

059 85 Štrbské pleso
tel.: +421 (0)52 4492 591-5
fax.: +421 (0)52 4492 590

We look forward to meeting you again in 2007!